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whosawhatsis committed May 7, 2021
1 parent e7a7e62 commit 234ac74
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Showing 6 changed files with 431 additions and 39 deletions.
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions Coordinates/axes.scad
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// file axes.scad
// Creates 3D axis visualizations
// (c) 2021 Rich Cameron
// released under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 International License
// All measurements in mm

radius = 100; //radius of the base
base = 2; //thickness of the base part
axes = 90; //length of the xy axes
xythick = 4; //width of the xy axes
zthick = 5; //width of the z axis
zlength = 20; //length of the z axis
angle = 90; //degrees of the wedge on the protractor
clearance = .3; //clearance between connecting parts
tube = 20;//length of the z axis connector
tubewall = 1.2; //radial wall thickness of the connector tube
line = 2; //thickness of lines on grids

$fs = .2;
$fa = 2;

// Remove comments from one of the next five code lines to get the element you want.
// Make sure to keep the other parameters consistent so that the pieces will fit together.

// Uncomment next line to get xy axes.
//translate(-(xythick * 2.5 + zthick) * [1, 1, 0]) xyaxes();

// Uncomment next line to get vertical grid.
//translate(-(xythick * 2.5 + zthick) * [1, 1, 0]) rotate(angle) zgrid();

// Uncomment next line to get the protractor-style wedge.

// Uncomment the next line to get the xy grid.

// Uncomment the next line to get the polar wedge grid.

module protractor() difference() {
union() {
linear_extrude(base, convexity = 5) offset(zthick) arc(radius - zthick);
cylinder(r = zthick, h = base + line / 2);
intersection() {
cylinder(r = radius, h = base + line / 2);
union() {
for(a = [0:10:angle]) rotate(a) translate([radius, 0, base]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = line / 2, h = 20, center = true, $fn = 4);
for(a = [0:5:angle]) rotate(a) translate([radius, 0, base]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = line / 2, h = 6, center = true, $fn = 4);
cylinder(r = zthick / 2, h = xythick + zlength);
linear_extrude(base + line / 2, convexity = 5) for(a = [0:angle]) rotate(a) translate([radius, 0, 0]) rotate(180) circle(.5, $fn = 4);
*circle(zthick / 2 + clearance);

module polargrid() difference() {
union() {
linear_extrude(base, convexity = 5) offset(zthick) arc(radius - zthick);
cylinder(r = zthick, h = base + line / 2);
intersection() {
cylinder(r = radius, h = base + line / 2);
union() {
for(a = [0:15:angle]) rotate(a) translate([radius, 0, base]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = line / 2, h = radius * 2, center = true, $fn = 4);
for(a = [0:5:angle]) rotate(a) translate([radius, 0, base]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = line / 2, h = 6, center = true, $fn = 4);
intersection() {
linear_extrude(base + line / 2) arc();
rotate_extrude() for(i = [10:10:radius - 5]) translate([i, base, 0]) circle(r = line / 2, $fn = 4);
cylinder(r = zthick / 2, h = xythick + zlength);
linear_extrude(base + line / 2, convexity = 5) for(a = [0:angle]) rotate(a) translate([radius, 0, 0]) rotate(180) circle(.5, $fn = 4);
*circle(zthick / 2 + clearance);

module xygrid() {
union() {
linear_extrude(base, convexity = 5) offset(zthick) square(radius);
cylinder(r = zthick, h = base + line / 2);
intersection() {
hull() {
linear_extrude(base + line / 2, convexity = 5)square(radius);
linear_extrude(base, convexity = 5) offset(line / 2) square(radius);
union() {
for(x = [0:10:radius]) translate([x, 0, base]) rotate([0, 90, 90]) cylinder(r = line / 2, h = radius + line, $fn = 4);
for(y = [0:10:radius]) translate([0, y, base]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = line / 2, h = radius + line, $fn = 4);
cylinder(r = zthick / 2, h = xythick + zlength);

module xyaxes() {
linear_extrude(xythick) difference() {
for(a = [0, 1]) mirror([a, -a, 0]) {
hull() for(i = [0, axes - xythick / 2]) translate([i, 0, 0]) circle(xythick / 2, $fn = 4);
translate([axes, 0, 0]) rotate(135) difference() {
square(xythick * 3);
translate([xythick, xythick, 0]) square(xythick * 3);
circle(xythick * 1.5);
circle(zthick / 2 + clearance);
*cylinder(r = zthick / 2, h = xythick + axes);
linear_extrude(tube) difference() {
offset(tubewall) circle(zthick / 2 + clearance);
circle(zthick / 2 + clearance);

module zgrid() intersection() {
rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(zthick * 2, center = true, convexity = 5) intersection() {
translate([-zthick, 0, 0]) square([radius + zthick, radius]);
offset(5) offset(-5) square([radius * 2, radius * 2], center = true);
union() {
linear_extrude(xythick, convexity = 5) difference() {
circle(zthick / 2 + clearance);
linear_extrude(radius, convexity = 5) difference() {
union() {
offset(tubewall) circle(zthick / 2 + clearance);
square([radius, zthick / 2 + clearance + tubewall]);
for(x = [0:10:radius]) translate([x, 0, 0]) circle(line / 2, $fn = 4);
circle(zthick / 2 + clearance);
for(z = [0:10:radius]) translate([zthick / 2 + clearance, 0, z]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = line / 2, h = radius - zthick / 2 - clearance, $fn = 4);

module arc(radius = radius, angle = angle) intersection() {
if(angle < 180) intersection_for(a = [0, 180 - angle]) rotate(-a) translate([-radius, 0, 0]) square(radius * 2);
else for(a = [0, 180 - angle]) rotate(-a) translate([-radius, 0, 0]) square(radius * 2);
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions Revolution/revolution.scad
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// file revolution.scad
// creates 3D surface of revolution from 2D shape
// (c) 2020-2021 Rich Cameron
// released under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 International License

wall = 4; //width of 2D shape
thick = 4; // thickness of 2D shape
hole = 2; // size of hole in 3D shape for pivot
clearance = .3; //clearance between 2D and 3D shape

$fs = .2;
$fa = 2;

translate([40, 70, 0]) frame();
translate([80, 0, 0]) revolution(true);

// The following lines define different shapes of rotation.
// Remove the "//" from one, and only one, of these lines.

// Create a double cone from a square rotated about a diagonal
// Note: makes 2 cones, need to be assembled
//module shape() rotate(45) square(50, center = true);

// Create a cylinder from a square rotated about a line parallel to a side:
//module shape() translate([0, 25, 0]) rotate(0) square(50, center = true);

// Create a sphere from a circle rotated about a diameter
// Note: makes 2 hemispheres need to be assembled
//module shape() circle (25, center = true);

//Create a shape from a hexagon rotated about line thru vertices:
//module shape() translate([0, 25 * cos(180 / 6), 0]) rotate(0) circle(r = 25, $fn = 6);

//Create a shape from an octagon rotated about a line parallel to a side
//module shape() translate([0, 25 * cos(180 / 8), 0]) rotate(180 / 8) circle(r = 25, $fn = 8);

// Create a shape from a triangle, rotate in x
//module shape() translate([0, 25 * cos(180 / 3), 0]) rotate(-30) circle(r = 25, $fn = 3);

//End definitions

module outline() for(i = [0, 1]) mirror([i, 0, 0]) shape();

module frame() translate([0, 0, thick / 2]) {
difference() {
linear_extrude(thick, center = true, convexity = 5) difference() {
offset(wall + clearance) outline();
offset(clearance) outline();
rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = hole / 2, h = 1000, center = true);
#%linear_extrude(.1) shape();

module revolution(bottom = false) rotate_extrude() intersection() {
mirror([0, bottom ? 1 : 0, 0]) outline();
translate([hole / 2, 0, 0]) square(1000);
39 changes: 0 additions & 39 deletions Slices+Sections/ellipse.scad

This file was deleted.

49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions Slices+Sections/ellipse_slider.scad
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// file ellipse_slider.scad
// creates an ellipse with two holes and a slider so that
// one can prove that the sum of the distances from the two foci
// to a point on the ellipse is constant
// (c) 2020 Rich Cameron
// released under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 International License
d = [80, 60]; // minor and major axes, mm
holesize = 5; //diameter of the focus holes
h = 8; // thickness of the piece
wall = 2;

$fs = .2;
$fa = 2;

focus = [max(0, sqrt(pow(d[0], 2) - pow(d[1], 2)) / 2), max(0, sqrt(pow(d[1], 2) - pow(d[0], 2)) / 2)];

translate([0, 0, h / 2]) difference() {
for(i = [0, 1]) mirror([0, 0, i])
hull() for(i = [0, 1]) translate([0, 0, -h / 2]) linear_extrude(1 + i * h / 2) offset(i * -h / 2) scale([1 / d[1], 1 / d[0], 1]) circle(d[0] * d[1] / 2);
for(i = [-1, 1]) translate(i * focus) rotate_extrude() for(m = [0, 1]) mirror([0, m, 0]) {
square([holesize / 2, h]);
translate([holesize / 2, h / 2 - wall, 0]) hull() for(a = [45, 90]) rotate(a) square([h, holesize / 2]);

rotate((d[0] > d[1]) ? 0 : -90) translate([0, min(d) / 2 + 2, h / 2 + 1]) slider();

module slider() difference() {
linear_extrude(h + 2, convexity = 5, center = true) difference() {
offset(1 + wall) offset(-1) circle(holesize);
linear_extrude(h - 2.9, center = true) offset(1) offset(-1) intersection() {
rotate(45) offset(-.5) square(holesize * 2);
translate([-holesize, -.5, 0]) square(holesize * 2);
rotate([0, 90, 0]) linear_extrude(holesize * 3, center = true, convexity = 5) difference() {
translate([0, -h, 0]) square(h * 2, center = true);
circle(h / 2 - 1, $fn = 4);
for(i = [0, 1]) mirror([0, 0, i]) translate([0, 0, h / 2 - 1.5]) intersection() {
rotate([0, 90, 0]) rotate_extrude() rotate(90) offset(1) offset(-1) intersection() {
rotate(45) offset(-.5) square(holesize * 2);
translate([-holesize, -.5, 0]) square(holesize * 2);
translate([0, 0, holesize]) cube(holesize * 2, center = true);

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