Round-robin DNS LoadBalancer for Kubernetes.
You shouldn't use it if:
You are running your cluster on GKE, AKS, EKS or similar managed Kubernetes cluster. LoadBalancer is already there, so you should just set your service type to
and load-balancing will be served for you out of the box. -
You are running Kubernetes cluster at environment that offers Layer2-traffic between nodes or it is possible to establish BGP-sessions between your nodes and routing hardware. So in this case you should go with MetalLB.
You just running a single node cluster so you can just make single A-recored at your DNS provider to point to your node.
In any other scenario dnslb might be the only way to get load-balancing and explosure of your services.
It is well-known that DNS round-robin is not the best choice for load-balancing because of caching of DNS-responses on the client-side. So keep in mind if some of your nodes goes down users may still try to reach them for a long time.
- Search for pods by selector specified by
. - Checks whether they are running or not and gets IPs of nodes they are running on.
- Searches for ingress-objects and gets all domains that are defined in them (hosts and TLS sections).
- Publishes A-records for each domain and each node IP to DNS-provider.
Only Cloudflare right now.
You should have ingres-controller in your cluster with HostPort
% ./dnslb --help
Usage of ./dnslb:
-cf-api-email string
Cloudflare API Email [$CF_API_EMAIL]
-cf-api-key string
Cloudflare API Key [$CF_API_KEY]
-check-interval int
check interval in seconds [$CHECK_INTERVAL] (default 10)
-concurrency int
number of concurrent dns syncs [$CONCURRENCY] (default 5)
daemon mode [$DAEMON]
dry run mode [$DRY_RUN]
-full-check-interval int
full check interval in seconds [$FULL_CHECK_INTERVAL] (default 600)
-ingress-namespace string
ingresses to be balanced [$INGRESS_NAMESPACE]
outputs logs in json [$JSON_LOG]
-kubeconfig string
path to kubernetes config file [$KUBECONFIG] (default "$HOME/.kube/config")
-node-address-type string
node address type to balance to, MUST be InternalIP or ExternalIP [$NODE_ADDRESS_TYPE] (default "ExternalIP")
-node-selector string
node selector to be balanced, in case if you wish to reduce balancing only to specific nodes [$NODE_SELECTOR]
-pod-namespace string
pod namespace to be balanced [$POD_NAMESPACE]
-pod-selector string
pod selector to be balanced [$POD_SELECTOR] (default ",app=nginx-ingress")
verbose mode [$VERBOSE]
By adding special annotation to your ingress-objects you can modify dnslb behaviour.
- specifies which domains should be proxied through Cloudflare (example value,
). By default all records are created with DNS only
You can find helm-chart there.
How to install:
helm repo add webtor
helm install --set cloudflare.apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY --set cloudflare.apiEmail=YOUR_API_EMAIL -n dnslb webtor/dnslb