This starter is not recommended for new webforJ applications. Instead, start with one of the supported webforJ archetypes
A simple webforJ HelloWorld project.
package samples;
import static com.webforj.component.optiondialog.OptionDialog.showMessageDialog;
import com.webforj.App;
import com.webforj.annotation.AppTitle;
import com.webforj.annotation.InlineStyleSheet;
import com.webforj.component.button.Button;
import com.webforj.component.button.ButtonTheme;
import com.webforj.component.html.elements.Paragraph;
import com.webforj.component.window.Frame;
import com.webforj.exceptions.WebforjException;
* A simple HelloWorld app.
@InlineStyleSheet(/* css */"""
.mainFrame {
display: inline-grid;
gap: 20px;
margin: 20px;
padding: 20px;
border: 1px dashed;
border-radius: 10px;
@AppTitle("webforJ Hello World")
public class WebforjHelloWorld extends App {
Paragraph hello = new Paragraph("Hello World!");
Button btn = new Button("Say Hello");
public void run() throws WebforjException {
Frame mainFrame = new Frame();
.addClickListener(e -> showMessageDialog("Hello World!", "webforJ Message"));
mainFrame.add(hello, btn);
The result is a modern, responsive HTML5 Web App.
Check the documentations here