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Integrating SDK with App

Akshay Agarwal edited this page Jan 27, 2023 · 6 revisions


  • Integrations created in the past will not work with 3.0+ because they are not entitled to the scopes required by 3.0+. You can either raise a support request to enable these scopes for your appId or you could create a new Integration that is meant to be used for 3.0+. This does not affect Guest Issuer JWT token based sign-in.
  • Starting a screenshare is not yet supported for CUCM calls.
  • Currently all resource ids that are exposed from the sdk are barebones GUIDs. You cannot directly use these ids to make calls to You will need to call Webex.base64Encode(:ResourceType:resource:completionHandler) to get a base64 encoded resource. However, you are free to interchange between base64 encoded resource ids and barebones GUID while providing them as input to the sdk APIs.
  • FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) support from 3.1.0 onwards.


Assuming you already have an Xcode project, e.g. MyWebexApp, for your iOS app, here are the steps to integrate the Webex iOS SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods:

  1. Install CocoaPods:

    gem install cocoapods
  2. Setup CocoaPods:

    pod setup
  3. Create a new file, Podfile, with following content in your MyWebexApp project directory:

    source ''
    • Full SDK : WebexSDK
    target 'WebexDemoApp' do
      platform :ios, '13.0'
      pod 'WebexSDK'
    • Meeting SDK : WebexSDK/Meeting
    target 'WebexMeetingDemoApp' do
       platform :ios, '14.0'
       pod 'WebexSDK/Meeting'
    • Broadcast Extension : WebexBroadcastExtensionKit
    target 'MyWebexAppBroadcastExtension' do
        platform :ios, '13'
        pod 'WebexBroadcastExtensionKit'
  4. Install the Webex iOS SDK from your MyWebexApp project directory:

    pod install
  5. To your app’s Info.plist, please add an entry GroupIdentifier with the value as your app's GroupIdentifier. This is required so that we can get a path to store the local data warehouse.

  6. If you'll be using WebexBroadcastExtensionKit, You also need to add an entry GroupIdentifier with the value as your app's GroupIdentifier to your Broadcast Extension target. This is required so that we that we can communicate with the main app for screen sharing.

  7. Modify the Signing & Capabilities section in your xcode project as follows:

  8. A sample app that implements this SDK with source code can be found at . This is to showcase how to consume the APIs and not meant to be a production grade app.