The Python Crawler: BlogCrawler and ProductCrawler
python-redis: Python persistent object library based on Redis.
DBUtils: The Commons DbUtils library is a small set of classes designed to make working with JDBC easier, and provide the ability to use the connection pool in python.
MySQLdb: MySQLdb is a Python DB API-2.0-compliant interface.
lxml: the most feature-rich and easy-to-use library for processing XML and HTML in the Python language.
Psutil: Psutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information on all running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network, users) in a portable way by using Python.
Samplejson, urllib2, PIL.
Usually, 8GB memory should preserve to redis-server. Note: Intalling guide attached in document [1]
A default max_connections value should be setted as 300(25 * 36) at least, but 1000 is recommended, also it's a optimal mount to live with other mysql-connection consumption processes.
Detailed statement shown in attached document [1]. Note: Usually don't try to change any parameter once it's configured well. If you want to migrate the redis-server and data, you could simply copy the configure file and data files which specified in the document [1].
Using "set GLOBAL max_connections=1000" to set the mysql's max_connections option. Note: Usually don't try to change any parameter once it's configured well.
The following items in *** represents:
a.) mysqlsettings: host, port, user, passwd, db and charset are required.
Note: utf8 shall be a good choice for charset
b.) redissettings: host, port and db are required
Note: setting db to be a separated number between crawlers is required, and a nonzero between 1 to 16 is recommended for db 0 is a default db that may lead to incorrect operation.
c.) blogcrawlersettings:
page_url_set: A set that cache all the webpage urls' hash(url).
nothrow_urljson_list: A queue cache the json of
{'url': 'http://', 'pagetype': 2L, 'depth': 5, 'seed_id': 632L}
image_url_set: A set cache all the image urls' hash(url).
process_no: Define the number of the process to start initially.
thread_no: Define the number of the threads in each process.
init_level: Define the crawler's initialization level when starts, 0 means do nothing, 1 means deleting all the list and preserve all the set, 2 means deleting all the list and page_url_set , all the list and page_url_set, 3 means deleting all the lists and sets.
d.) foldersettings: Setting the folder to store the images, before setting the folder, you should confirm this folder containing all the sub-folders which sequentially generated from 000 to fff(a tri-Alphanumeric sequence)
e.) crawlertype: This parameter is same with photosourcetype_id in mysql's table crawlerseedurl, it means the photos' source, 2 presents coming from blog, 3 presents coming from product websites.
f.) depth_limit: To limit the crawler's depth.
Note: Usually don't try to change any parameter once it's configured well.
For product crawler is desiged to crawl designated elements in pages, so in all the product seeds which marked by photosourcetype_id=3 in mysql table crawlerseedurl should contain the xpath corresponding to target element. The following sql should be executed after getting the xpath.
>> update crawlerseedurl set photosourcetype_id=3 where url like "%your url%";
>> update crawlerseedurl set detailurl_xpath="your xpath", nextpage_xpath="your xpath" where url like "%your url%";
>>update crawlerseedurl set TITLE_XPATH="", IMAGEURL_XPATH="", BRAND_XPATH="", DESCRIPTION_XPATH="", PRODUCTID_XPATH="", COLOR_XPATH="", PRICE_XPATH="", SIZE_XPATH="", MAINIMAGEURL_XPATH="" where url like "%your url%";
Note: How to configure your robust xpath, you may need to reference document [2]
In the workstation(, you could type the following command to start a crawler instance after configuring:
>> nohup python2 > output.file &
Note: python2 means python2.6 for there are multiple python versioins installed in workstation. So if on your own machine, you just need to start the crawler intances by typing: python after intalling and configuring.
1.)The most promptly way is using redis-cli to run the monitor command "redis-cli monitor", then all the command that running in redis-server could be observed immediately. But it's a resource consumption way. Usually you could get into the "redis-cli", and then use "llen blog_nothrow_urljson_list", "scard blog_page_url_set" and other similar commands to keep watch over the status of the redis-server and crawlers.
3.)The Redis' log file is another way to inspect the status of the redis-server, you could get the connection number and the size of the data cached in redis, , you could use command "sudo tail -f /var/log/redis_6379.log"(change the name according to your configure file name) to view the redis' log.
Shown in attached document [3]
Shown in attached document [4]
Shown in attached document [5]
[1] Redis installing and configuring guide§ [2] How to configure your robust xpath §[3] [4] [5]