Openhab 2.0 for Amazon Echo
So just a few heads up here.
- I modified the Dockerfile from to change the user id to 1001
RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' --home ${APPDIR} openhab &&\
RUN adduser -u 1001 --disabled-password --gecos '' --home ${APPDIR} openhab &&\
- Added the Amazon Echo Discover port 1900/udp to EXPOSE
- From I then copied the to my disk also and then ran the build command
docker build -t openhab .
- Created a user on my host called openhab with
sudo useradd -u 1001 openhab
- Start docker without any config volumes shared except localtime:
docker run --name=openhab --net=host -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro -d openhab
- Copied the docker contents to my host with the below (find your own container ID via docker ps
docker cp 07860dca4899:/openhab /home/kodi/docker/openhab
- Stop/remove the docker container
docker rm -f openhab
- Make the openhab user the owner of the 'openhab' dir on my host
sudo chown -R openhab:openhab openhab
- Start openhab again that maps volumes to my host
docker run --name=openhab --net=host -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro -v /home/kodi/docker/openhab/conf:/openhab/conf -v /home/kodi/docker/openhab/userdata:/openhab/userdata -v /home/kodi/docker/openhab/addons:/openhab/addons --restart always -d openhab
- Now we have a stable and persistent openhab running.
Hope this helps someone.