POC for enabling ssh logins from a federated authentication by leveraging SSH certificates
For a general description of the use of SSH certificates se: https://smallstep.com/blog/use-ssh-certificates/
There are 3 roles at play:
- The SSH Certificate Authority
- The server(s) that will use the certificate for user authn
- The client that logins to a server
The SSH Certificate is a service in a federation and receives attributes/claims from an IdP. It saves the attributes under a random name - a token. It then creates a ssh command - with the token as parameter - that allows a special user to login and extract the actual user's public key. This allows the SSH CA to create a SSH certificate from the attributes - that it has access to by way of the token - and the public key.
The SSH certificate is sent to stdout and thus made available on the client, where it is saved as a standard SSH certificate.
It is possible to set up a SSH server to just use SSH certificates as an authentication method if the user management is already in place. It just requires adding a TrustedUserCAKeys parameter pointing to at file with the public keys/certificates of the trusted SSH CAs.
You might want to add a "AuthorizedKeysFile none" as well to disallow the use of normal public keys in the .ssh/authorized_keys or .ssh/authorized_keys2 files.
This POC includes the ability to create and update users depending on the content of the certificate.
Add a
to /etc/ssh/sshd_config
The username must be listed in the principals part of the ssh certificate for the user as well
Sshd logs the certificate's Key ID and Serial.
If you run ssh-add while a certificate is present it will be added to the ssh agent. Ssh will the keep using the certificate from the agent and no
Make sshfedloginshell.php executable
TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/ssh-ca-key.pub
AuthorizedPrincipalsCommandUser root
AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand /usr/local/bin/cert1 AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand %u %k %t
ExposeAuthInfo yes
AuthorizedKeysFile none
Remember to restart sshd
mkdir /var/run/sshca chmod o+w /var/run/sshweblogin
For initial login
adduser --disabled-password --shell /srv/dev/ssh-certs-in-a-federated-world/ssh-server-side/sshfedloginshell.php sshfedlogin
adduser --disabled-password --shell /srv/dev/ssh-certs-in-a-federated-world/ssh-server-side/sshfedloginshell.php sshweblogin
touch /home/sshweblogin/.hushlogin
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser root
AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/local/bin/cert1 AuthorizedKeysCommand %u %k %t
ExposeAuthInfo yes