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Calculating VMCP Signature

Ioannis Charalampidis edited this page Aug 2, 2014 · 1 revision
  1. Signing the VMCP values
  2. Code samples
    1. PHP Function
    2. Python Function

In order to validate the authenticity of the entity that tries to launch a VM, a signing mechanism is used. However before you are able to use this mechanism you must first obtain a private key from the CernVM Web API team.

Having the private key in place, follow the following guide for how to sign the document:

Signing the VMCP values

The signature is the result of encrypting with your private RSA key the SHA512 value of a buffer that consists of each key-value pair in key=urlencode(value). The function used for URL encoding must be compatible with the RFC 3986.This means, in order to generate the signature you have to do the following:

  1. Sort your data keys in alphabetical order.

  2. Concatenate all the key-value pairs in a buffer using the following template:

    <lowercase key name> = RFC_3986_urlencode( <value> )\n

    The value must be a string. For the following corner cases the following actions need to be taken:

  • If the value is boolean it should take the integer-equivalent value:
```true = "1", false = "0"```
  1. In the end of your buffer, append the value of the cvm_salt that you got as a GET parameter in the VMCP URL.
  2. Sign the buffer with your private RSA key, using SHA-512 for the hash algorithm.


Let's say for example that you want to start a VM with the following configuration:

    "name": "MyAwesomeVM",
    "secret": "mg041na39123",
    "vcpus": 1,
    "ram": 512,
    "version": "1.5",
    "flags": 8,
    "userData": "[amiconfig]\nplugins=cernvm\n[cernvm]\nusers=user:users;password"

And let's assume that your VMCP script is located at When the plugin requests for the VMCP data it's going to append some extra parameters. Let's say that the server eventually requests the following URL:

So here is what you should do:

1. Sort the keys in alphabetical order

    "flags": 8,
    "name": "MyAwesomeVM",
    "ram": 512,
    "secret": "mg041na39123",
    "userData": "[amiconfig]\nplugins=cernvm\n[cernvm]\nusers=user:users;password",
    "vcpus": 1,
    "version": "1.5"

2. Convert the data in key=value format


3. Append the value of the cvm_salt parameter in the buffer (no additional end-of-line)


4. Sign data with your private key, using SHA512 as hash algorithm

For example, using openSSL:

cat buffer | openssl dgst -sha1 -sign priv.key | openssl enc -base64

And you should get something like this:


And that's your signature

5. Include your signature in your response

    "name": "MyAwesomeVM",
    "secret": "mg041na39123",
    "vcpus": 1,
    "ram": 512,
    "version": "1.5",
    "flags": 8,
    "userData": "[amiconfig]\nplugins=cernvm\n[cernvm]\nusers=user:users;password",
    "signature": "b69NuUKssYcN0MzEIk5RmZ+4oYbBMAJRnC1BH42qtLINdve/bbOS7Ba6ju9B6pMOU39pCR517NfH+plKhZ3EbOtLzRKwP+OIA7x89UCkrZx/QGH0xNksM/F2TR1q6z21Iz3B1EUZzWPp97TeTCrVN4ypIRhKxHg3Ebv4wykZj4OXrn1h4dBOGKqlbNkFvltKUttx4Zpj9YCURCGhsyeELA2z3e7rXYs4eqUkSoVhuOGqQxmYwane2qVcnnGmUls87dQdvQqkPtQ0T4bylhNJWCvfHBizv+ISWUdgJjcYkAoi3m+DHpa6l28h8ryKVAhhy2bROzXfzHeOat+xdDSEQg=="

Code samples

PHP Function

The following function signs the hash passed to it and returns a new one that includes the 'signature' field:


 * Sign the data in the given dictionary and return a new hash
 * that includes the signature. 
 * @param $data Is a dictionary that contains the values to be signed
 * @param $salt Is the salt parameter passed via the cvm_salt GET parameter
 * @param $pkey Is the path to the private key file that will be used to calculate the signature
function sign_data( $data, $salt, $pkey ) {

    // Sort keys
    ksort( $data );

    // Calculate buffer to sign
    $buffer = "";
    foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
        // The boolean is a special case and should also be
        // updated to the data array
        if (is_bool($v)) {
           $v = $data[$k] = ( $v ? "1" : "0" );
        // Update buffer
        $buffer .= strtolower($k) . "=" . rawurlencode( $v ) . "\n";

    // Append salt

    // Sign data using OpenSSL_Sign
    openssl_sign( $buffer, $signature, "file://$pkey", "sha512" );
    $data['signature'] = base64_encode($signature);

    // Return hash
    return $data;


For example, you can use the above function like this:

$data = array(
    'name' => 'secured_session',
    'secret' => 'secret',
    'userData' => "[amiconfig]\nplugins=cernvm\n[cernvm]\nusers=user:users:user\n\${test}\n",
    'ram' => 128,
    'cpus' => 1,
    'disk' => 1024,
    'version' => '1.4'

echo json_encode( sign_data( $data, $_GET['cvm_salt'], "/path/to/private.pem" ) );

Python Function (Using M2Crypto)

The following function signs the hash passed to it and returns a new one that includes the 'signature' field:

import M2Crypto
import hashlib
import urllib
import base64

Sign the data in the given dictionary and return a new hash
that includes the signature. 

@param $data Is a dictionary that contains the values to be signed
@param $salt Is the salt parameter passed via the cvm_salt GET parameter
@param $pkey Is the path to the private key file that will be used to calculate the signature
def sign( data, salt, pkey ):

    # Calculate buffer to sign (sorting the keys)
    strBuffer = ""
    for k in sorted(data.iterkeys()):

        # Handle the BOOL special case
        v = data[k]
        if type(v) == bool:
            if v:
            data[k] = v

        # Update buffer
        strBuffer += "%s=%s\n" % ( str(k).lower(), urllib.quote(str(v)) )

    # Append salt
    strBuffer += salt

    print "Signing '%s'" % strBuffer

    # Sign data
    rsa = M2Crypto.RSA.load_key( pkey )
    digest ='sha512', strBuffer).digest()

    # Append signature
    data['signature'] = base64.b64encode( rsa.sign(digest, "sha512") )

    # Return new data dictionary
    return data

For example, you can use the above function like this (using the Django framework):

import json
from django.http import HttpResponse

Sign handler for Django framework
def sign_handler(request):
    # Get SALT from GET
    if not 'cvm_salt' in request.GET:
        return HttpResponse("Invalid use!")
    salt = request.GET['cvm_salt']
    # Prepare some data
    data = {
        'name' : 'secured_session',
        'secret' : 'secret',
        'userData' : "[amiconfig]\nplugins=cernvm\n[cernvm]\nusers=user:users:user\n${test}\n",
        'ram' : 128,
        'cpus' : 1,
        'disk' : 1024,
        'version' : '1.4'
    # Sign data
    signed_data = sign( data, salt, "/path/to/private.pem" )
    # Render response
    return HttpResponse( json.dumps( signed_data ) )