Ensure you have Python 3.x, including pip (i.e. pip3)
Do you have the virtualenv
python package?
pycheck() { \
[ "$#" -eq 1 ] && \
( python3 -c "import $1" 2> /dev/null && echo "$1 already installed" || \
echo "please install $1" ) || \
( echo "${FUNCNAME[0]} requires a single argument" ); \
pycheck virtualenv
If it's not there:
pip3 install virtualenv
Now create, activate and install necessary packages into a virtual environment
for zooma_recommender
, under your checked-out zooma-recommender
directory. For the sake of Git, it will help if you call your environment
"zenv", i.e.:
cd zooma_recommender
virtualenv zenv
. ./zenv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Now run the Python script to generate rules.txt:
pyrun() { chmod a+x $1; ./$1; }
pyrun efficient_apriori_pdx.py
Install Solr 5.5.3
Start solr in schemaless mode
./bin/solr start -e schemaless
Create a new Solr core
./bin/solr create -c zooma_rules
Load the rules
./bin/post -p 8983 -c zooma_rules ../rules.json
Run a query
(properties.propertyType:(tumortype AND origintissue AND samplediagnosis)) AND
(properties.propertyValue: Blood AND
properties.propertyValue: "acute myeloid leukemia" AND
properties.propertyValue: "Primary") AND
tag.propertyType : samplediagnosis