Connect Four (also known as Captain's Mistress, Four Up, Plot Four, Find Four, Four in a Row, Four in a Line and Gravitrips) is a two-player connection game in which the players first choose a color and then take turns dropping colored discs from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended grid.
- An interactive text console game ✅
- Written in Ruby or PHP ✅
- Game board should be 7 columns by 6 rows ✅
- Show a graphical ascii representation of state of game between each move ✅
- Has a human player and a computer player ✅
- When it is player’s move: prompt for which column to drop token into ✅
- Indicate which moves are valid before prompting ✅
- Show an error message when an invalid column is given, and prompt again ✅
- Computer move: computer player can be dumb, but it must make a valid move ✅
- Detect and announce winner immediately after winning move is made ✅
- The software design should allow for easily replacing the computer player / adding a new computer player - i.e. the design makes it easy to add a smart computer player in the future, or even choose between different computer player strategies, or have two human players, or two computer players ✅
- There may be opportunity to use patterns like MVC, dependency injection. Expect to see unit testing. Prefer minimal dependencies. ✅
- A 15 second timer for the player to make a move. ✅
- Colored players token. ✅
- Show the winning pattern in the board. ✅
- This project is well tested using
testing framework. - This project uses dependency injection using
PHP Interface
and dependency injection container using the packagephp-di
. - This project also demonstrates the use of
Abstract Class
that is inherited by thePlayers Classes
. - As a data storage, it uses the
(model) MovesStore class
to handle the saving and validating player movements. - Moreover, the
(view) Board class
act as the manager to display the game movements visually. - Finally, the
(controller) Game class
directs the game.
- The definition and configuration of dependency injection + DI containersrc/Connect4
- A directory for all the classes used to run the gamesrc/Connect4/Game.php
- A file that links tha Players, its movements (MovesStore class
) and how to display it (Board class
- A directory for Player related Classessrc/Connect4/Store
- A directory related to storing and retrieving data from the gamesrc/Connect4/View
- A directory related to displaying the movements to the usertests
- A directory for project testingutils
- A directory for helper functionsbootstrap.php
- A file that loads all the required classes for the game to runmain.php
- The main file that will run the game
- This project is a an interactive Connect4 game. The possible match ups are: Human vs Human, Human vs AI and AI vs AI.
- v1.0.0
- Source Code Bitbucket, Github
There's no configuration required for the game to play. The game lets you choose from different game modes: Human vs Human, Human vs AI and AI vs AI.
* PHP v7.1
* composer
Composer Packages
* php/di ^6.0
* phpunit/phpunit ^7.0
Run composer install
Run php main.php
Connect4 Game!
Please choose a game mode.
1) Human vs Human
2) Human vs AI
3) AI vs AI
Ctrl-C to exit
Enter 1, 2 or 3: 1
Hey! Welcome to Connect4 game.
It is a turn-based game between two players.
Each player simply needs to enter a column number
where they want to drop their token.
To win, they must Connect4 tokens of their own either
horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
No one wins when neither player Connect's 4 token.
The players are...
Player One: Name Human 👤, Token [X]
Player Two: Name Human 2 👤, Token [O]
[ ] indicates an empty cell and a valid drop point.
Press Ctrl+C anytime to exit the game.
Have fun!
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
C-> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Please select from the column numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human 👤[X]) Enter a column number:
Run composer test
> phpunit --testdox
PHPUnit 7.0.2 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
✔ Constants should be as defined
✔ On init rows and columns length should be as defined
✔ On init cells should be empty
✔ Canvas drawing should be as expected data set #0
✔ Must set and get name data set #0
✔ Must set and get token
✔ Must be a human or ai
✔ Must set and get moves store class
✔ Must have selected a column within range
✔ Constants should be as defined
✔ Must set and get cells data set #0
✔ Must set and get error
✔ Must return true if column is full data set #0
✔ Must return valid columns data set #0
✔ Must return false if column is not full
✔ Must return true if column is in range
✔ Must return false when dropping to incorrect column index data set #0
✔ Must return true when dropping to correct column index data set #0
✔ Must return false if column is not in range data set #0
✔ Must get the correct row index data set #0
✔ Must return true for horizontal winning patterns data set #0
✔ Must return true for horizontal winning patterns data set #1
✔ Must return true for horizontal winning patterns data set #2
✔ Must return true for horizontal winning patterns data set #3
✔ Must return true for horizontal winning patterns data set #4
✔ Must return true for horizontal winning patterns data set #5
✔ Must return true for horizontal winning patterns data set #6
✔ Must return true for vertical winning patterns data set #0
✔ Must return true for vertical winning patterns data set #1
✔ Must return true for vertical winning patterns data set #2
✔ Must return true for vertical winning patterns data set #3
✔ Must return true for vertical winning patterns data set #4
✔ Must return true for vertical winning patterns data set #5
✔ Must return true for vertical winning patterns data set #6
✔ Must return true for vertical winning patterns data set #7
✔ Must return true for forward slash winning patterns data set #0
✔ Must return true for forward slash winning patterns data set #1
✔ Must return true for forward slash winning patterns data set #2
✔ Must return true for forward slash winning patterns data set #3
✔ Must return true for forward slash winning patterns data set #4
✔ Must return true for forward slash winning patterns data set #5
✔ Must return true for forward slash winning patterns data set #6
✔ Must return true for back slash winning patterns data set #0
✔ Must return true for back slash winning patterns data set #1
✔ Must return true for back slash winning patterns data set #2
✔ Must return true for back slash winning patterns data set #3
✔ Must return true for back slash winning patterns data set #4
✔ Must return true for back slash winning patterns data set #5
✔ Must return true for back slash winning patterns data set #6
✔ Must return false when theres no winner in the pattern data set #0
✔ Must get moves store class
✔ Must get board class
✔ Must get player one as dumb ai player class
✔ Must not get player one
✔ Must get players as player abstract
✔ Must set and get current player
✔ Must set and get a winner
✔ Must return maximum turns
✔ Must match class setup
✔ Must return a winner
✔ Must return no winner
Time: 5.3 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
OK (61 tests, 161 assertions)
Not all computers run with PHP 7.1 which is required by this project. So here comes docker.
Basic knowledge with docker building or pulling, more here
docker build -t php-connect4 .
docker pull warrenca/php-connect4
docker run -it warrenca/php-connect4
This project is using phpunit
testing framework.
The PHPUnit test configuration file is phpunit.xml
Add new tests in ./tests
- @warrenca github/bitbucket