- Start apache and mysql and launch site on browser
- Copy and paste content file
- Insert credentials for access in database
, line 5 the filefunctions.php
username: wagner
password: 123456
username: anish
password: 123456
www whatsapp-chat admin chat.php creat_user.php home.php assets/ js/ datastore.js data-utils.js script.js functions.php index.php login.php README.MD register.php sql.sql
The frontend of the Whatsapp Web chat app is built using Bootstrap. It also has contains design to edit profile, send chat messages (client only, no server) and display notifications for unread messages.
Click Here to check the website.
The backend of the Whatsapp Web chat app is built using PHP
Click Here to check the website.
This application is not yet running in real time. Any help to include the Node Socket IO will be welcome. The tests to receive new messages are being performed through the first option in the chat screen,
check new message