Wade Hampton [email protected] 0.3, 4/6/2016: Update, moved to AsciiDoc format
This is a simple repository with multiple sample GO programs. These are
simple programs that may be used as examples for writing GO programs.
This project may be public, but it does not yet serve any specific purpose.
It may in the future.... At this point it includes a bunch of sample
GO programs, some based on GO examples.
Many of these programs are based on the GO examples from the tutorial. URL references to source examples are included in many of the programs.
0.1 09/28/2015 created
0.2 10/26/2015 updated with some links and cleanups
0.3 04/6/2016 Update, moved to AsciiDoc format
This document is in AsciiDoc using my minidoc standard. The format is based on what I have used since the 1990s.
This project is mainly to experiment with github and with GO. It is loosely based on my wh_test_py github repository.
License for ALL files is GPL, see LICENSE.
Please e-mail me with any updates, suggestions, etc.
Programs include TBD.
After running the programs, run cleanup to remove test files (e.g., sqlite).
If errors like cannot find package "runtime", you may need to unset the GO_ROOT (I had it setup for a custom build then switched to the golang-go Ubuntu package).
1, GO Home Page: https://golang.org/
2, GO Tutorial: https://tour.golang.org/
3, Additional tutorials: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/go/index.htm