Deep Learning based implementation for analysis of mass spectrometry imaging data
This readme file shows how to properly run the msiPL code
Paper: Walid Abdelmoula et al, msiPL: Non-linear Manifold and Peak Learning of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data Using Artificial Neural Networks, bioRxiv, 2020
License: The msiPL code is shared under the 3D Slicer Software License agreement.
We have implemented our machine learning model using the following software items:
1- Python(3.6.4)
2- Keras (2.1.5-tf) with a Tensorflow(1.8.0) backend.
3- Packages: numpy(1.14.2), sklearn(0.19.1), scipy(1.0.0), and h5py(2.7.1)
4- We implemented this model on Windows 10 PC workstation(Intel Xenon 3.3GHz, 512 GB RAM, 64-bit Windows, 2 GPUs NVIDIA TITAN Xp).
How to run the code?
1- "" is the main file that you should run first. The file should be running in a sequential manner, and we have provided required comments for instructions and guidance. In this file you will be able to:
1.1. Load a dataset. 1.2. Load the computational neural network architecture (VAE_BN). 1.3. Train the model. 1.3. Non-linear manifold learning and data visualization (non-linear dimensionality reduction) 1.4. Evaluate the learning quality by estimation and reconstruction of the original data 1.5. Peak Learning learning (Equation#4): to get a smaller list of informative peaks. 1.6. Perform data clustering (GMM). 1.7. Identify localized peaks within each cluster.
2- "": implementation of the fully connected variational autoencoder, and regularized with batch normalization.
3- "": implementation of a function that identifies peaks of interest. It should be called after training the model, as instructed in "".
- "": ultra-fast analysis on test data without any prior peak picking. You will need first to load the trained model from step#1 ("").
please cite the paper by Abdelmoula et al, msiPL: