PHP wrapper for the pdftoppm command which is part of poppler-utils.
The Pdftoppm is a library that handles conversion of PDF files to images. It is available on variety of systems.
Available packages:
use Wb\PdfToPpm\PdfToPpm;
$pdfToPpm = PdfToPpm::create();
// $result is an instance of \FilesystemIterator
$result1 = $pdfToPpm->convertPdf('path/to/pdf');
$result2 = $pdfToPpm->convertPdf('path/to/pdf', 'path/to/other/destination/dir/then/tmp');
// Save as png
$result3 = $pdfToPpm->convertPdf('path/to/pdf', 'path/to/other/destination/dir/then/tmp', true);
// Set specific resolution
$result4 = $pdfToPpm->convertPdf('path/to/pdf', 'path/to/other/destination/dir/then/tmp', true, 300);
cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml
Change the phpunit.xml env
directive if necessary.
composer install
php vendor/bin/phpunit