The code for creating CNN and DBN classifiers has been updated to use TensorFlow. (The old version used Keras). Additionally, for classifying sequences based on BLAST, we have developed a new tool called dnabarcoder. This tool enables us to compute similarity cut-offs for different clades of reference/training datasets. Based on these computed similarity cut-offs, we can assign sequences to the taxonomic group of their best matches. It was shown in Vu et al. (2022) that dnabarcoder improves significantly the accuracy and precision of classification.
Fungiclassifiers is the official implementation for the evaluation of the BLAST classification (Altschul et al. 1977), naive Bayesian RDP classifier (Wang et al. 2007), and two deep learning based classifiers using two different models namely convolutional neural network (CNN) (LeCun et al. 2015) and deep belief network (DBN) (Hinton et al. 2006). We aimed to study if deep learning can improve fungal classification. Fungiclassifiers consists of four folders: model, evaluation, data, and Classifiers.
The models folder consists of training and classifying scripts of each of the classification models.
The data folder consists of the three datasets: the yeast and mould datasets which were checked and validated by the specialists at the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, and the "Top most wanted fungi" (UNITE Community 2017) for the evaluation on different classification methods. The yeast dataset consisting of ~4000 ITS sequences that has been used in (Vu et al. 2018) and released as a subset in (Vu et al. 2016). This dataset was used for the evaluation of different classification methods in which most of the sequences in the test dataset has a label in the train dataset. The mould dataset has been released recently in (Vu et al. 2019). This dataset was to used to train the deep learning models for classifying the "Top most wanted fungi" data whose sequences are unrepresented in the train dataset.
To train the CNN model at the genus level, use the following command:
CNN/ -i traindataset.fas -c traindataset.classification -rank species
where the classification file will have a format like the .classifiction file in the data folder. Here the k-mer size is set to 6 as default.
If we want to use another k-mer such as 8 for example, then use the following command:
models/CNN/ -i traindataset.fas -c traindataset.classification -rank species -k 6
To classify the test dataset using the classifier obtained after the training:
models/CNN/ -c traindataset_genus_cnn_classifier -i testdataset.fas
The result will be saved in the file testdataset.traindataset_genus_cnn_classifier.out.
To train the DBN model at the genus level, use the following command:
models/DBN/ -i traindataset.fas -c traindataset.classification -rank species
Here the k-mer size is set to 6 as default.
If we want to use another k-mer such as 8 for example, then use the following command:
models/DBN/ -i traindataset.fas -c traindataset.classification -rank species -k 6
To classify the test dataset using the classifier obtained after the training:
models/DBN/ -c traindataset_genus_dbn_classifier -i testdataset.fas
The result will be saved in the file testdataset.traindataset_genus_dbn_classifier.out.
Vu, D., Groenewald, M. & Verkley, G. Convolutional neural networks improve fungal classification. Sci Rep 10, 12628 (2020).
Duong Vu ([email protected])
Altschul, S.F., Madden, T.L., Schäffer A.A., et al. (1997). Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation protein database search programs. Nucleic Acids Res 25, 3389-3402.
Wang, Q., Garrity, G. M., Tiedje, J. M., et al. (2007). Naive Bayesian classifier for rapid assignment of rRNA sequences into the new bacterial taxonomy. Ap-plied and environmental microbiology 73, 5261–5267.
LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y., Hinton, G. (2015). Deep learning. Nature, 521, 436-44.
Hinton, G.E., Salakhutdinov, R.R (2006). Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks. Science 313, 504–7.
UNITE Community (2017). UNITE top50 release. Version 01.12.2017. UNITE Community.
Vu, D., Groenewald, M., Szöke, S., et al. (2016). DNA barcoding analysis of more than 9000 yeast isolates contributes to quantitative thresholds for yeast spe-cies and genera delimitation. Studies in Mycology 85, 91-105.
Vu, D., Georgievska, S., Szoke, S., et al. (2018). fMLC: Fast Multi-Level Clustering and Visualization of Large Molecular Datasets. Bioinformatics: 1-3.
Vu, D., Groenewald, M., de Vries, M., et al. (2019). Large-scale analysis of fila-mentous fungal DNA barcodes reveals thresholds for species and higher tax-on delimitation. Studies in Mycology 92:135-154.
Vu, D., Nilsson, R.H., Verkley, G. (2022). dnabarcoder: an open-source software package for analyzing and predicting DNA sequence similarity cut-offs for fungal sequence identification. Molecular Ecology Resources.