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SafeFetch artifact evaluation repository for USENIX Security '24 Call for Artifacts.

The source code for the SafeFetch kernel prototype can be found here. The prototype is based on the SafeFetch: Practical Double-Fetch Protection with Kernel-Fetch Caching paper accepted for publication at the 33rd Usenix Security Symposium, 2024.

From the aforementioned repo you can download the stable source code used to evaluate SafeFetch's performance and security.

Tips to navigate the repository

The main directories in this repositories (and obtained while running the artifact workflow):

  • safefetch: after running the artifact setup process, this directory will contain the kernel source code (cloned from here)
  • playground/performance: contains performance results organized by benchmark (possible benchmarks are LMBench, OSBench and Phoronix)
  • playground/security: contains security results (csv files) obtained while running the security artifact.
  • playground/paper: contains scripts to generate a pdf used to view the collected results while running the artifact. (check to see how the artifact leverages the the results from the performance and security directories)
  • playground/kernels: contains a directory for each precompiled kernel coming with the artifact (i.e., exploit-default, safefetch-default, midas-default and whitelist-default).

The artifact workflow is executed by running rules from the top Makefile

Tips on the directory structure of the results after running the artifact

After running E1:

  • in the playground/security you should have a baseline and safefetch dir each containing a results.csv file which is used to generate the Security evaluation tables in the outputed pdf.

After running E2:

  • in ~/.phoronix-test-suite/test-results you have baseline and safefetch directories (this is where Phoronix must save the results when the artifact is ran)
  • in playgrond/performance/lmbench, playgrond/performance/osbench and playgrond/performance/phoronix directories you have a baseline and a safefetch sub-directory. For each of these sub-directories there should be a results.csv file inside.

After running E3:

  • in ~/.phoronix-test-suite/test-results you have a midas directory
  • in playgrond/performance/lmbench, playgrond/performance/osbench and playgrond/performance/phoronix directories you have a midas sub-directory. This sub-dir should contain a results.csv file inside.

The '.csv' files are generated when running the make all-paper command or make result sub-command (which generates CSV files out of raw results) after each artifact workflow (i.e., E1, E2 and E3).


Running the setup script

Our Phoronix evaluation pipeline expects a specific directory structure for the outputed evaluation file (i.e., results must be outputed in the ~/.phoronix-test-suite hidden sub-directory). This requires that, when setting up the artifact, the make setup command must be run using a normal user (the whoami command should not print root). If the setup is ran as root user or with root priviledges (i.e., using sudo) Phoronix will be configured to use a different base directory than ~/.phoronix-test-suite (i.e., /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite base dir) which will conflict with our result preprocessing scripts.

The normal user must however have root priviledges (i.e., must be in sudoers) but whenever the artifact requires root priviledges our scripts are configured to use the sudo command. So never manually append sudo when running the artifact as our scripts already do this when necessary.

Hardware dependencies

The precompiled kernel images used to reproduce the main results in the paper should be loaded on a real machine for accurate performance tests. The host machine requires around 40 GiB free disk space, and at least 8GiB of memory. Our SafeFetch prototype supports machines with 64-bit x86 processors, and the results in the paper were obtained on a Intel i7-6700 machine (using 32 GiB of RAM).

An SSD is prefered for storage as it leads to faster compilation should you need to re-compile the workflow kernels. Moreover, for filesystem benchmarks (e.g., ran during LMBench bandwidth tests) an SSD assures that the storage speed does not become the bottleneck for the experiments.

Software dependencies

Running the SafeFetch images requires a guest operating system which supports GRUB 2.0 (or newer), as the artifact scripts use GRUB utilities to load the precompiled kernels (that have the -default suffix) on the host machine (check whether the grub-mkconfig and update-grub2 are available on the machine). The images were tested on a machine running Ubuntu 22.04 with a host Linux kernel version 5.15.0-100-generic. The precompiled kernels use the default X86_64 Linux build, x86_64_defconfig.

In some scenarios the kernels might not run on the host machine (e.g., the host machine is equipped with hardware which require drivers beyong the Linux default build). In these cases, you must compile the kernels locally on the machine, using the host kernel local config. The artifact provides scripts to automatically compile SafeFetch kernels on the host machine. The kernels compiled locally on the machine (which are included in sub-dirs that have a -local suffix) will be included alongside default kernels (i.e., those with a -default sub-dir suffix) in the playground/kernels directory. For local compilation, the host machine ideally runs gcc v8.4 (or newer) and binutils v2.30 (or newer). The process of compiling kernels on the local machine is detailed in later sections of this artifact.

Resources needed to reproduce claims

The artifact reproduces 1 security related claim (E1) and 2 performance related claims (E2 and E3). Check the artifact appendix for detailed information regarding claims. The minimal resources needed to reproduce each claim are:

  • E1: 1 human minutes + 40 compute minutes
  • E2: 1 human minutes + 7 compute hours + 5GB of disk space
  • E3: 1 human minutes + 3.5 compute hours + 5GB of disk space

SafeFetch and static keys

Safefetch kernels use static keys by default. When first booted, all SafeFetch hooks are disabled (are simple nop instructions which later get patched in once the SafeFetch defense is activated) The is used during runtime on SafeFetch compiled kernels to enable the Safefetch defense through the use of static keys.

Loading precompiled kernels

The artifact comes with four precompiled kernels (under playground/kernels):

  • exploit-default: used to run the security artifact
  • safefetch-default: compiled with the default SafeFetch build (including the zero-copy optimization) and used to generate the baseline and the performance results for the SafeFetch default build
  • whitelist-default: the SafeFetch prototype implementing the same syscall whitelisting as Midas
  • midas-default: the default Midas prototype build from this repository

All the precompiled kernels use the default X86_64 linux default config.

To load a precompiled kernel (or compiled locally) the user must run the following command:

make load_kernel SAVED_DIR=name

Where name can be either: exploit-default, safefetch-default or any kernel directory that exists in playground/kernels.

When make load_kernel executes it will prompt the user to select which kernel to load by default as shown in the following example:

0 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.11.0-safefetch+' --class ubuntu
1 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.11.0-safefetch+ (recovery mode)'
2 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-213-generic' --class ubuntu
3 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-213-generic (recovery mode)'
4 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-212-generic' --class ubuntu
5 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-212-generic (recovery mode)'
6 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.8.0-39-generic' --class ubuntu
7 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.8.0-39-generic (recovery mode)'
8 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.8.0' --class ubuntu
9 : menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.8.0 (recovery mode)'
Max config number:9
Select which of the above kernels you want to boot in by default: (eg. 0, 1, 2 ... etc)
Select kernel number:

If for example the user wants to load into the safefetch he must press 0 in this case (as safefetch non-recovery is index 0 in the list).

Adapting the load process to non-GRUB distros

The make load_kernel command uses the script under the hood to move kernels from playground/kernels to /boot from where update-grub2 will add them to the boot process.

Additionally the script is used to clean up kernels from the /boot directory or to create a kernel entry in playground/kernels after compiling a new kernel.

It should be easy to adapt our scripts to run on non-Grub systems. Check the and in case you need to tailor the artifact for a different bootloader.

What happens if a precompiled kernel does not boot?

As explained in the artifact appendix this can happen on host machines that require kernel drivers that do not come with the default kernel build.

To build kernels using the local config of your host machine boot into the default kernel from the host machine (in essence how your host machine runs prior to running the artifact). After that run the following command (from the root path of this repository):

./ -midas

This will create the following kernels: exploit-local, safefetch-local, midas-local You can use these kernels instead to run the security and performance artifacts (i.e., experiments E1, E2 and E3)

For example to run the security artifact (E1) instead of using the -default suffix use the -local suffix:

 make load_kernel SAVED_DIR=exploit-local

If you want to only create the kernels to evaluate E1 and E2 (and no midas) then simply run:


Note that local compilation expects the host machine to be equipped with a gcc compiler (ideally v8.4 or newer) and binutils.

Loading back in your default host kernel after you are done with the artifact

To load back into the default kernel and clean up from Grub any other kernels installed with this artifact run the following command from the root of this repository:

make clean_artifact
sudo reboot

Regenerating the pdf with artifact results

To regenerate the pdf with artifact results simply run:

make all-paper

This command will first invoke make result which will create csv files for all performance results currently gathered using this artifact. (the csv files aggregate results across multiple iterations of the same benchmark on the same kernel config obtaining means, meadians, standard deviations and so on). After that it will call the to generate latex tables and pdf images containing graphs and then will use pdflatex to obtain the final pdf showing all results.

Notes on running the Midas artifact

As also discussed in the Midas artifact (for Usenix'22), Midas kernel might crash during the evaluation workflow (does not happen often).

Our past occurences of the issue tipically happened in the Apache benchmark (which executes at the end of the performance artifact workflow).

As a fail-safe, if this happens when running the Midas artifact you can still regenerate the artifact pdf, using the partial results obtained prior to the crash by simply running:

make all-paper

Notes on global configuration

The is imported by most of our other scripts and sets a couple of global configurable parameters (e.g., the SafeFetch and Midas public repos used to compile the kernels)

Moreover, it can be used to set the number of benchmarking iterations during each of our artifact workflows as follows:

  • RUNS variable: sets the number of benchmarking iterations for LMBench and OSBench benchmarks
  • FORCE_TIMES_TO_RUN variable: sets the number of benchmarking iterations for running Phoronix benchmarks
  • SECURITY_RUNS variable: sets the number of iterations for running the security artifact.

If evaluators want to execute more/less runs of each artifact workflow the must simply modify these variable as they chose.

When cloning the repos for SafeFetch and Midas the artifact may use SSH during cloning. To change this aspect, consider modifying the SAFEFETCH_REPO and MIDAS_REPO environment variables from