A lightweight component library for Vue2 Single Page Applications
- Large set of easy to use Vue Components.
- Download and add to any new or existing project.
- Detailed documentaion.
- 20 New Components (Spring 2019)
- Vui Admin (Python Flask) (Spring 2019)
- Emmet support for VSCode & Atom (Spring 2019)
- Support for Fontawesome 4 & 5 icons (Spring 2019)
- Vui Studio (Quasar/Electron App) (Summer 2019)
Unlike most themes that only provide a static UI, Vui Admin is a quick start application that provides a functional layout with many working features and a richer set of Vui components designed especially for Admin projects. Just drop the package into your Python Flask project folder and your ready to start developing.
Design and prototype your project interfaces using this drag and drop editor. Once you have a design, you can then generate template code to add to your Vue project. Similar to Bootstrap Studio.
In order for me to dedicate time to design and develop these projects, I need to be able to support myself and pay the bills, so if you like the work I am doing and want to see more great projects added to the Vui Kit show your support and become a pateron. You will get your logo or photo on this README page and also on every page of the Offical Vui-Kit website with a link to your site. [Become a patron.]