Pre-release🚀 Features
- added addProductToWishlist mutation and method
- added getCustomerAddresses API method
- added removeProductsFromWishlist mutation and method
- added updateCustomerEmail mutation and method
- added the addProductsToCart method
- created wishlistDataFragment
- added getPagination and getProducts methods on wishlistGetters.ts
- added getRemoteShoppingAssistance on userGetters
- added userAddresses composable and factory
- added userAddressesGetters.ts getter
- added configurable products flow
- added AddressesDetails.vue Page to MyAccount
- added AddressForm.vue component to MyAccount components
- added available facets configuration on midleware.config.js
- added available facets from the middleware configuration on Category.vue
- added bundle optimization to the Nuxt build
- added configurable products flow
- added new language keys for the wishlist functionality
- added on ProfileUpdateForm.vue a checkbox to update the
user field - added user addresses management under MyAccount pages
- added wishlist functionality to the Category.vue page
- added wishlist functionality to the Product.vue page
- added wishlist functionality to the ProductsCarousel.vue component
- added wishlist gird and list view on useUiState.ts
- created the MyAccount/MyWishlist.vue page to manage the user wishlist
💅 Refactors
- updated productFragment adding new fields
- updated storeConfig query adding new fields
- updated wishlist query adding new fields
- added missing
parameters in the useProduct composable - fixed getTotalReviews and getAverageRating methods from productGetters.ts, by exporting from reviewGetters.ts
- fixed updateUser method on useUser to call the updateCustomerEmail method when need to update the customer emails
- fixed userGetters.ts methods
- fixed userGetters.ts methods naming
- fixed userGetters.ts typings
- fixed wishlistGetters methods naming
- fixed wishlistGetters typings
- fixed folder naming typo
- fixed the facetGetters.ts and _utils.ts files to get the products facets
- fixed wrong parameter attribution on the userAddressManipulator.ts
- removed useMenuCategory composable and factory
- fixed components imports locations
- fixed the isFilterSelected method on Category.vue
- fixed the selectedFacet mounting options on Category.vue
- fixed the facets selection listeners on Category.vue
- removed billing and shipping addresses management from MyAccount
- removed the getMenuCategory composable
- updated the theme to support configurable products
🏡 Chore
- removed guest.ts from useWishlist due to Magento user only wishlist
- removed vue-template-compiler from package.json
- fixed
and `isSubscribed fields in LoginModal.vue for user register - removed duplicated images
- removed dependencies from internal packages to external
- unify the docs into the main git timeline
- updated contributors
- updated dependencies and devDependencies
- updated Issues template for the new GitHub schema
- updated publishing scripts
Dependencies updates
- updated eslint-plugin-unicorn to 34.0.1
- updated @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to 4.28.5
- updated @typescript-eslint-parser to 4.28.5
- updated eslint-plugin-vue to 7.14.0
- updated eslint-plugin-jest to 24.4.0
- updated @apollo/client to 3.3.20
- updated @apollo/client to 3.3.21
- updated @rollup/plugin-node-resolve to 13.0.4
- updated @vue-storefront/core to 2.3.4
- updated graphql to 15.5.1
- updated graphql-tag to 2.12.5
- updated rollup to 2.52.7
- updated typescript to 4.3.5
- updated @types/js-cookie to 2.2.7
- updated @vue-storefront/core to 2.3.4
- updated @vue/test-utils to 1.2.2
added omit-deep to 0.3.0
updated @nuxtjs/style-resources to 1.2.0
updated @storefront-ui/vue to 0.10.71
updated @vue-storefront/core to 2.3.4
updated @vue-storefront/middleware to 2.3.4
updated @vue-storefront/nuxt to 2.3.4
updated @vue-storefront/nuxt-theme to 2.3.4
updated @vue/test-utils to 1.2.1
updated @vue/test-utils to 1.2.2
updated babel-jest to 27.0.6
updated convict to 6.2.0
updated convict-format-with-validator to 6.2.0
updated cookie-universal-nuxt to 2.1.5
updated core-js to 3.15.2
updated cypress to 8.0.0
updated cypress-tags to 0.2.0
updated jest to 27.0.6
updated lint-staged to 11.1.1
updated majestic to 1.8.1
updated npm-check-updates to 11.8.3
updated nuxt to 2.15.7
updated nuxt-i18n to 6.28.0
updated ts-jest to 27.0.4
updated tslib to 2.3.0
updated typescript to 4.3.5
updated vee-validate to 3.4.11
updated @babel/core to 7.14.8
updated @babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods to 7.14.5
updated @commitlint/cli to 13.1.0
updated @commitlint/config-conventional to 13.1.0
updated @commitlint/config-lerna-scopes to 13.1.0
updated @graphql-codegen/cli to 1.21.7
updated @graphql-codegen/typescript to 1.23.0
updated @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations to 1.18.4
updated @rollup/plugin-node-resolve to 13.0.4
updated @types/jest to 26.0.24
updated @types/jsdom to 16.2.13
updated @types/node to 16.4.3
updated @typescript-eslint/parser to 4.28.5
updated eslint to 7.31.0
updated lint-staged to 11.1.1
updated majestic to 1.8.1
updated npm-check-updates to 11.8.3
updated rollup to 2.54.0
updated ts-jest to 27.0.4
updated ts-node to 10.1.0
updated tslib to 2.3.0
updated typescript to 4.3.4
updated vue-eslint-parser to 7.9.0