This is node project using express server. It provides a single point of entry for etl-rest-server and opemrs. It handles authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Request to etl-rest-server and openmrs are proxied.
To setup the project run
$ git clone
$ cd poc-middleware
$ npm install
$ mkdir conf && cd conf
Create a config.json file
$ cat config.json
With the following content
"port": 4000,
"useCluser": true,
"auth": {
"secret": "xxxx",
"expiresIn": "30m",
"algorith": "HS512"
"redis": {
"port": 6379,
"host": "",
"options": {},
"use_password": false
"etl": {
"url": "ETL-URL-HERE",
"proxyRange": [9300, 9400]
"amrs": {
"url": "AMRS-URL-HERE",
"proxyRange": [9100, 9200]
"elastic_search": {
"host": "localhost:9200",
"log": "info"
"logger": {
"name": "log",
"streams": [ "stdout", "elasticsearch" ]