A telegram bot that can recommend you movies based on genres, actors, or even other movies!
The bot was built in python. It was created integrating IBM-Watson with The Movie Database.
Watson was used to make the bot understeand natural language. We use it to exctract intents from the user.
After the intents are indetified, we use then to query on TMDB API (https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api).
To run the bot you will need authentication keys for the TMDB API, Watson API, and telegram API.
Send me an email ([email protected]) for the keys (We only have a small number of requests available for free so we couldn't make the keys public).
After you get the keys, run the application in your local server with "python wat.py" (you might need to install some dependencies). After that, just go to telegram and send a message to the bot at @FilmaoBot.