property type possible values optional description type string Endpoints
only whenMaster->Worker
only whenMaster<-Worker
type of the message uuid uuid / only provided when type=masterRequest
uuid to match response to request module string see below false the module that gets requested / responds payload see below see below only provided when Master->Worker
the payload itself args see below see below only provided when Master<-Worker
args to pass to the module
name type payload args Master <- Worker Master -> Worker additional information Endpoints
[Endpoints] / ❌ ✔ get send after the worker fires the online
event and when the versions changedvalidationRequest
[string:proxyUUID, string:reqID]
✔ ✔ the proxy send a validation request, responds whether it was the right request dataChangeRequest
/ [string:proxyUUID]
✔ ❌ someone told the proxy to broadcast a data change /v1.0.0/Calendar
✔ ✔ / /v1.0.0/Error
✔ ✔ / /v1.0.0/Feedback
✔ ✔ / /v1.0.0/Menu
✔ ✔ / /v1.0.0/Stand-ins
✔ ✔ / /v1.0.0/Teachers
✔ ✔ / /v1.0.0/Timetables
✔ ✔ / /v1.0.0/Updates
✔ ✔ /
property | type | default | optional | description |
mysql_read | object | / | false | readonly connection to mysql db |
mysql_read.connectionLimit | number | 10 | true | max simultaneous connections |
mysql_read.charset | string | UTF8MB4_GENERAL_CI |
true | charset of the connection |
mysql_read.tables | object | {...} |
true | table name mappings |
mysql_read.tables.CALENDAR | string | CalendarEvents |
true | CALENDAR mapping |
mysql_read.tables.ERRORS | string | Errors |
true | ERRORS mapping |
mysql_read.tables.FEEDBACK | string | Feedback |
true | FEEDBACK mapping |
mysql_read.tables.UPDATES | string | LastUpdate |
true | UPDATES mapping |
mysql_read.tables.LESSONRANGES | string | LessonRanges |
true | LESSONRANGES mapping |
mysql_read.tables.MENU | string | Menu |
true | MENU mapping |
mysql_read.tables.STANDINS | string | StandIn |
true | STANDINS mapping |
mysql_read.tables.TEACHERS | string | Teacher |
true | TEACHERS mapping |
mysql_read.tables.TIMETABLE | string | Timetable |
true | TIMETABLE mapping |
mysql_read.tables.VERSIONS | string | Versions |
true | VERSIONS mapping |
mysql_read.tables.BACKENDS | string | Backends |
true | BACKENDS mapping |
mysql_read.tables.WEBADMINS | string | WebAdmins |
true | WEBADMINS mapping |
mysql_read.hostname | string | / | false | the mysql host domain/ip |
mysql_read.port | number | 3306 |
true | the mysql host port |
mysql_read.user | string | / | false | mysql user name |
mysql_read.password | string | / | false | mysql password |
mysql_read.database | string | / | false | mysql db name |
snowflake.epoche | number | 1515151515151 |
true | time to offset snowflake timestamps |
snowflake.datacenter | number | / | false | datacenter id, min 0, max 15 |
snowflake.hostname | string | / | false | host name for this server, used when creating UUID'S |
serverConfig | object | / | false | self information to register to proxy, related to workerServer |
serverConfig.hostname | string | / | only required when using a proxy | own host domain/ip |
serverConfig.port | number | / | false | own host port |
serverConfig.method | string | / | only required when using a proxy | method for validation requests |
serverConfig.path | string | / | only required when using a proxy | path for validation requests |
serverConfig.https | boolean | / | false | whether to use https |
serverConfig.receiveEP | [string] | / | only required when using a proxy | list of endpoints to assign to |
serverConfig.broadcastEP | [string] | / | only required when using a proxy | list of endpoints to assign to |
serverConfig.signature | string | / | only required when using a proxy | signature of the serverConfig |
proxy | clientLocation | / | true | a proxy to register to | | boolean | true | true | extends clientLocation to decide whether to use https(secure=true) or http(secure=false) |
proxy.port | Number | / | false | extends clientLocation to enforce a port being set |
SECURE_CONTEXT | object | / | required when serverConfig.https == true | options to pass to the https.createServer func - please use absolute paths |
ONLY_SIGNED_PROXY | boolean | true | true | whether the proxy has to have valid ssl set up |
BACKUP_DATA_CHECK_INTERVAL | number | 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000 | true | interval to check for data |
REGISTER_INTERVAL | number | 5 * 60 * 1000 | true | interval to register at proxy |