If you're here probably you want to integrate Xiaomi Vacuum v1 & v2 with Home Assistant without loosing some useful functions such as live maps.
If you don't know how to gain SSH access to your vacuum please read the article on dustcloud:
Create SSH keypair with the command: ssh-keygen
Copy the SSH public key to the Home Assistant host with the command: ssh-copy-id -p ##HOMEASSISTANT_SSHPORT## homeassistant@##HOMEASSISTANT_IPADDRESS##
Copy the file vacuum/etc/rc.local to your vacuum, replacing the existing /etc/rc.local.
Copy the file vacuum/opt/rockrobo/scripts/maps_to_ha.sh to your vacuum, at the destination /opt/rockrobo/scripts/maps_to_ha.sh.
Make sure to give to the file the right permissions with the command: chown 755 /opt/rockrobo/scripts/maps_to_ha.sh.
We can assume that you're executing your Home Assistant istance using the user homeassistant in the Home Assistant configuration directory /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant. If not please fix the directories specified to the top of the given scripts.
We can assume you're using a RedHat like system (CentOS, Fedora, RedHat, SuSe, ...) as destination host.
Ensure that you've installed python-pillow package. On RedHat like systems you can issue the command yum install python-pillow
Ensure that you've installed incrond package. On RedHat like systems you can issue the command yum install incron
Copy vacuum/etc/incron.d/vacuum_maps to /etc/incron.d/vacuum_maps.
Create the directories /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/scripts, /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www, /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/vacuum if not exist.
Make sure to fix the ownership of these directories to the user homeassistant.
Copy the script homeassistant/home/homeassistant/scripts/build_maps.py to /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/scripts/build_maps.py.
Copy the script homeassistant/home/homeassistant/scripts/incrond_vacuum_maps.sh to /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/scripts/incrond_vacuum_maps.sh.
Make sure to give to the file the right permissions with the command: chown 755 /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/scripts/incrond_vacuum_maps.sh.
Add the following component to your HA configuration file:
- platform: generic
name: Vacuum Map
content_type: image/png
framerate: 1