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play concurrent sound at same time

[x] compatible with both old and new architecture

[x] support https://, http://, file://

[x] support require(asset)

IOS use AVPlayer under the hood

Android use MediaPlayer under the hood


npm install @vokhuyet/react-native-concurrent-sound
yarn add @vokhuyet/react-native-concurrent-sound


import {
} from '@vokhuyet/react-native-concurrent-sound';

// ...
// key is required
load({ uri:"", key: '1', volume: 1, loop: false });
load({ uri: require('./file.mp3'), key: 'local', volume: 1, loop: false }); 
pause({ key: '2' });
play({ key: '1' });
pause({ key: '2' });
seek({ key: '1', to: 0 });
setVolume({ key: '1', to: 0.2 });
const success = await stopAll();

useEffect(() => {
  const eventListener = ConcurrentSoundEvent.addListener(
    (event) => {
      //event: { , key: '1' }
      console.log('OnSoundEnd', event);

  // Removes the listener once unmounted
  return () => {
}, []);

Static methods

const duration = await load({
  key: '1',
  volume: 1,
  loop: false,

create new player and pre load sound if it is not exist, return duration of Sound function must be call before play

Property Type Default Description
uri string, require(assets) must provide http or file:// or require(asset) to load sound
key string required key is used to get player that playing uri,
volume number 1 volume of Sound 0 -> 1
loop boolean false true/false

const duration = await play({ key: '1' });

create new player to play sound if it is not exist, return duration of Sound

Property Type Default Description
key string require key is used to get player that playing uri,

pause({ key: '1' });

pause active player

Property Type Default Description
key string required key is used to get player that playing uri

seek({ key: '1', to: 0 });

seek to time (seconds)

Property Type Default Description
key string required key is used to get player that playing uri,
to number undefined time in second to seek

setVolume({ key: '1', to: 0 });

set volume of one player (0->1)

Property Type Default Description
key string required key is used to get player that playing uri,
to number undefined 0.0 -> 1.0

setPlaybackRate({ key: '1', to: 2 });

set playback speed of one player

Property Type Default Description
key string required key is used to get player that playing uri,
to number 1 playback speed of the audio, 2 will play the audio at 2x

setLoop({ key: '1', to: false });

set loop of one player

Property Type Default Description
key string required key is used to get player that playing uri,
to boolean undefined true/false

setCategory({ to: 'playback' });

[iOS only]

set category of audio session

Property Type Default Description
to enum playback ios: soloAmbient | ambient | playback

const success = await stopAll();

stop, release all player


Name Data Description
OnSoundEnd {key: string} call when sound end


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