Continuous Integration / Delivery / Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline for Python Microservice Web Application on Oracle Database
In order to accelerate the cycles of software solutions development and delivery to customers, many organizations are adopting Agile, Continuous Integration/Delivery/Deployment, and DevOps principles, practices and methodologies. Even though these are different sets of guidelines, they support one another. In this workshop we’ll explain how Oracle Cloud Infrastructure can help you adopt and improve the implementation of Continuous Integration/Delivery/Deployment in your organization, but first let's clear up some of the key concepts.
Continuous Integration (CI) refers to the practice of frequently merging new software using a single line of code we call master branch. Continuous Delivery (CD) refers to the release of packaged software, modules, or features in frequent cycles. Likewise, Continuous Deployment (CD) refers to the deployment of these software packages/modules/features to a production (or pre-production) platform in frequent cycles.
Ideally, most of the CI/CD chain (workflow or pipeline) is automated. Organizations that have a completely automated CI/CD pipeline in place achieve faster response cycle on code changes. Once code has been merged and deployed, it is available for testing and verification, leading to accelerated DevOps cycles. Problems can be found earlier, and working software can be delivered to customers faster.
- Access to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- Provided by the instructor for instructor-led workshops
- Access to a laptop or a desktop
- Requires Microsoft Remote Desktop software
- Knowledge of Python is a plus but not required
- No previous knowledge of CI/CD concepts required
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Alternatively, you can follow the labs on this repo :
- Introduction
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
- GitHub Code Repository
- Oracle Wercker CI Service
- Oracle Database for Python
- Push Docker Image to Registry (OCIR)
- Deploy Python App on Container Cluster (OKE)
- Oracle Database Changes in CI/CD Workflow
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- $300 of free credits good for up to 3500 hours of Oracle Cloud usage
- Credits can be used on all eligible Cloud Platform and Infrastructure services for the next 30 days
- Your credit card will only be used for verification purposes and will not be charged unless you 'Upgrade to Paid' in My Services
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