Tutorial to build a GraphQL Gateway API powered by Hot Chocolate server. How to work with Queries, Mutations, Subscriptions, and Schema Stitching. Use under the hood NoSQL databases such as Neo4j, MongoDB and Redis.
Welcome to GraphQL Gateway API tutorial.
We recommend you to fork
the repo and then start tutorial.
- Folder
contains all ready-to-use services. - Services
, andrest
have areadme.md
file with a setp-by-setp tutorial how to create it. - Explanation on how to build
are not provided. You can use them just to run as is.
/gql-service # Apollo GraphQL Server connected to Neo4j Database
/gw-service # Hot Chocolate GraphQL Gateway API
/rest-service # .NET WebApi Swagger-based connected to MongoDB
/web-clinet-list # React app for Phase 1
/web-clinet-likes # React app for Phase 2
docker-compose.yml # Can be used to build and run containers
We recommend you to take a quick overview of repository structure and then start Phase 1.
In first phase you will build a Hot Chocolate Gateway API connected to REST WebApi to manipulate list of Tags stored in MongoDB. You will learn how to resolve Query, Mutation and use Subscription.
- Create WebAPI service using MongoDB using
tutorial (Optional). - Create GraphQL Gateway API using Hot Chocolate server using
tutorial. - Frontend project is ready to use from
run as docker container.gw-service
run locally using cli or as a docker container.web-client-list
run locally using cli.
Once Tags collection is working, now you will stitch your Gateway API schema with the schema of Apollo GraphQL server connected to Neo4j database.
- Create GraphQL server connected to Neo4j using
tutorial (Optional). - Update GraphQL Gateway API using Hot Chocolate server using
tutorial. - Frontend project is ready to use from
run as docker container.gw-service
run locally using cli or as a docker container.web-client-likes
run locally using cli.
- Frontend
- React / TypeScript
- Backend
- .NET / C#
- REST WebApi / Swagger
- Gateway API / GraphQL / Hot Chocolate
- NodeJS / Apollo Server
- Neo4j Graph Database
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Required:
- Install IDE (VSCode https://code.visualstudio.com/download)
- Install Docker (https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/)
- Install .NET 6 SDK (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0)
- Install Node 18 (via NVM https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm)
- Good to know:
- What is Docker (read https://docs.docker.com/get-started/)
- What is REST (read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer)
- What is Neo4j (learn https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/ and http://www.graphville.com)
- .NET Extension Pack
- Auto-Using for C#
- Roslynator
- C#
- GraphQL (learn https://graphql.org/)
- Gateway API (read https://microservices.io/patterns/apigateway.html)
- Hot Chocolate (read https://chillicream.com/docs/hotchocolate/)
- Hot Chocolate Youtube channel (subsribe https://www.youtube.com/@ChilliCream)