This repository is for the submission of ADS Assignment1
Step 1 : Pull the image
docker pull vishalsatam1988/assign1dataingestion
Step 2 : Create the container using
docker create --name="testname" vishalsatam1988/assign1dataingestion
Step 3 : copy your config.json and the configIntial.json file to update the links and your AWS credentials. Please do not change the name of these files.
docker cp <local file path> <containername>:/src/assignment1/
docker cp config.json testname:/src/assignment1/
Step 4 : Start the container
docker start <containername>
docker start -i testname
Step 5 : Commit the container to persist the changes
docker commit <containername> <new image name>
docker commit testname vishalsatam1988/assign1dataingestion
Step 6 : Run the jupyter notebook on the committed image in detached mode
docker run -it -d --name “dataingestion” -p 8888:8888 vishalsatam1988/assign1dataingestion /bin/bash -c 'jupyter notebook --no-browser --allow-root --ip=* --NotebookApp.password="$PASSWD" "$@"'
Step 7 : Connect to this running container via browser by entering
http://<docker machine ip address>:8888
Password for the jupyter notebook is keras
Step 8 : Execute the bin/bash command to enter the running container to check output and logs
docker exec -it dataingestion /bin/bash
Step 1 : Pull the image The docker image is present on the docker hub and is available to pull using the following command
docker pull vishalsatam1988/assign1datawrangling
Step 2 : Create the container using the below command
docker create --name="datawrangling" vishalsatam1988/assign1datawrangling
Step 3 : copy your configWrangle.json file to update the link. Please do not change the name of the config file.
docker cp <local file path> <containername>:/src/assignment1/
docker cp configWrangle.json datawrangling:/src/assignment1/
Step 4 : Start the container
docker start <containername>
docker start -i datawrangling
Step 5 : Commit the container to persist the changes
docker commit <containername> <new image name>
docker commit datawrangling vishalsatam1988/assign1datawrangling
Step 6 : Run the jupyter notebook on the committed image in detached mode
docker run -it -d --name “datawranglingjupyter” -p 8888:8888 vishalsatam1988/assign1datawrangling /bin/bash -c 'jupyter notebook --no-browser --allow-root --ip=* --NotebookApp.password="$PASSWD" "$@"'
Step 7 : Connect to this running container via browser by entering
http://<docker machine ip address>:8888
Password for the jupyter notebook is keras
Step 8 : Execute the bin/bash command to enter the running container to check output and logs
docker exec -it datawranglingjupyter /bin/bash