🌱 I am Vishal Kumar, Final year Computer Science and Engineering student at National Institute of Technology, Sikkim . I love coding and problem solving and I am interested to work as Software developer. I have done couple of internship on MERN stack where I have created several smooth UIs with React js along with various liberaries and have added value to the company. Also, I am a technical team member at WDC ( Web development Cell, NIT sikkim) where I have responsiblity to work on control panel and maintain institute's website. I am skilled in React JS, NodeJs, MongoDB, RESTfull API’s and PHP.
🌱 I’m currently doing internship at Phocket Infotech Pvt Ltd. as Frontend Developer
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on MERN
💬 Ask me about React, Nodejs
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ROrohsgw3DzcgkXQQ0rg_bfGnPjx07yf?usp=sharing]