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Implement aoc2023 day21
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vipentti committed Dec 21, 2023
1 parent 907a930 commit e8066c2
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Showing 3 changed files with 271 additions and 0 deletions.
259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions visp/examples/aoc2023/day21.visp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@

;; Copyright 2023 Ville Penttinen
;; Distributed under the MIT License.
;; for basic syntax highlighting
;; vim: set syntax=clojure:
(require SpanUtils "0.4.0")
(require FSharpx.Collections "3.1.0")

(open System)
(open System.Text.RegularExpressions)
(open SpanUtils.Extensions)
(open FSharpx.Collections)

(fn WriteResult (part value ex)
(printfn "%s: %A %A" part value (= value ex)))

(let splitOptions StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries)

(fn SplitLines ([text: string])
(.EnumerateSplitSubstrings text [| #\lf #\cr |] splitOptions))

(fn SpanSplitChars ([ch: array<char>] [text: ReadOnlySpan<char>])
(.EnumerateSplitSubstrings text ch splitOptions))

(let example (not (Array.contains "full" ARGV)))
(let day "day21")
(let filepath (String.concat "" [| "./inputs/" day (if example "_example" "") ".txt" |]))
(printfn "file: %s" filepath)

(let fileText (System.IO.File.ReadAllText filepath))

(union Dir

(typedef Pos int * int)
(typedef Grid char[,])

(fn inline LeftOf ([(x, y): Pos]) ((dec x), y))
(fn inline RightOf ([(x, y): Pos]) ((inc x), y))
(fn inline UpOf ([(x, y): Pos]) (x, (dec y)))
(fn inline DownOf ([(x, y): Pos]) (x, (inc y)))

(let G_DIRS [| Dir.Up Dir.Left Dir.Down Dir.Right |])

(fn inline GetDirFun ([d: Dir])
(match d
[Up UpOf]
[Down DownOf]
[Left LeftOf]
[Right RightOf]

(fn inline Around ([p: Pos])
(->> G_DIRS
( #(->> p (GetDirFun %1)))))

(fn inline Width ([g: Grid]) (Array2D.length2 g))
(fn inline Height ([g: Grid]) (Array2D.length1 g))

(fn inline AroundGrid ([g: Grid] [p: Pos])
(->> p
(Array.filter #(begin
(let (x, y) %1)
(&& (>= x 0) (< x (Width g)))
(&& (>= y 0) (< y (Height g))))
(match (.[y, x] g)
[#\S true]
[#\O true]
[#\. true]
[_ false]
[_ false]

(fn inline AroundGridSeq ([g: Grid] [p: Pos])
(let w (Width g))
(let h (Height g))
(for/in [dir G_DIRS]
(let nextp (->> p (GetDirFun dir)))
(let (x, y) nextp)
(&& (>= x 0) (< x w))
(&& (>= y 0) (< y h)))
(match (.[y, x] g)
[#\# ()]
[_ (yield nextp)]
[_ ()]

(fn ParseFile ([text: string])
(mut lines (SplitLines text))

(mut yi 0)

(let res (!vec))
(mut start (0, 0))

(while (.MoveNext lines)
(let line (+Current lines))

(unless (+IsEmpty line)
(mut xi 0)
(for/in [ch line]
(match ch
[#\S (set! start (xi, yi)) ]
[_ ()])
(up! xi inc))
(.Add res (.ToArray line))
(up! yi inc)

((array2D (.ToArray res)) . start))

(let (map, start) (ParseFile fileText))

(typedef PosStep Pos * int)

(fn Fill ([map: Grid] [start: Pos] [maxSteps: int])
(fn rec Recurse ([map: Grid] [steps: int] results)
[(= steps 0) results]
(Recurse map (dec steps) (->> results
( (AroundGridSeq map))
(Recurse map maxSteps (Set.singleton start)))

(fn CountPoints ([map: Grid] [start: Pos] [maxSteps: int])
(mut ans (!set))
(mut seen (Set.singleton start))
(mut que (->> Queue.empty<_> (Queue.conj (start . maxSteps))))
(mut looping true)

(while looping
(match (Queue.tryUncons que)
[None (set! looping false)]
[(Some ((pos, steps), nq))
(set! que nq)

(when_ (= (rem steps 2) 0)
(set! ans (Set.add pos ans)))

[(= steps 0) ()]
(for/in [nbr (AroundGridSeq map pos)]
(unless (Set.contains nbr seen)
(set! que (Queue.conj (nbr . (dec steps)) que))
(set! seen (Set.add nbr seen))

(Set.count ans))

(fn Part1 ([map: Grid] [start: Pos] [maxSteps: int])
;; (mut results (Set.singleton start))
;; (for/to [_ (1 to maxSteps)]
;; (set! results (->> results
;; ( (AroundGridSeq map))
;; (Seq.concat)
;; (Set.ofSeq))))

(id (CountPoints map start maxSteps)))

(fn Part2 ([map: Grid] [start: Pos])
(fn inline wrap (a b)
(if (< a 0)
(erem a b)
(rem a b)

(let steps 26501365L)
(let size (int64 (max (Width map) (Height map))))
(let sizei (int size))

(let grid_width (dec (/ steps size)))
(printfn "%A" size)
(printfn "%A" grid_width)

(let odd_grids (pown (inc (* (/ grid_width 2L) 2L)) 2))
(let even_grids (pown (* (/ (inc grid_width) 2L) 2L) 2))

(printfn "%A" (odd_grids, even_grids))

;; (let odd_points (->> (Fill map start (inc (* sizei 2))) Set.count int64))
;; (let even_points (->> (Fill map start (id (* sizei 2))) Set.count int64))

;; (printfn "%A" (odd_points, even_points))

(let (sx, sy) start)

(let last_size (dec sizei))
(let half_w_1 (dec (/ sizei 2)))
(let size_3 (dec (/ (* sizei 3) 2)))

(fn Mapper ((pos, size)) (->> (CountPoints map pos size) bigint))

(let mains (->> [|
(start . (inc (* sizei 2)))
(start . (id (* sizei 2)))
|] ( Mapper)))

(printfn "%A" mains)

(let corners (->> [|
((sx, last_size) . last_size)
((0, sy) . last_size)
((sx, 0) . last_size)
((last_size, sy) . last_size)
|] ( Mapper) (Array.reduce add)))

(let smalls (->> [|
((0, last_size) . half_w_1)
((last_size, last_size) . half_w_1)
((0, 0) . half_w_1)
((last_size, 0) . half_w_1)
|] ( Mapper) (Array.reduce add)))

(let bigs (->> [|
((0, last_size) . size_3)
((last_size, last_size) . size_3)
((0, 0) . size_3)
((last_size, 0) . size_3)
|] ( Mapper) (Array.reduce add)))

(let big_width (bigint grid_width))

(* (bigint odd_grids) (.[0] mains))
(* (bigint even_grids) (.[1] mains))
(* (inc big_width) smalls)
(* big_width bigs)

(let part1 (Part1 map start (if example 6 64)))

(WriteResult "part1" part1 (if example 16 3682))

(let part2 (Part2 map start))

(WriteResult "part2" part2 (if example (bigint 470149860542205L) (bigint 609012263058042L)))

11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions visp/examples/aoc2023/inputs/day21_example.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions visp/lib/core.visp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
(fn inline mul [(lhs: ^a) (rhs: ^a)] (* lhs rhs))
(fn inline div [(lhs: ^a) (rhs: ^a)] (* lhs rhs))
(fn inline rem [(lhs: ^a) (rhs: ^a)] (CoreMethods.rem_impl lhs rhs))
(fn inline erem [(lhs: ^a) (rhs: ^a)] (CoreMethods.euc_rem_impl lhs rhs))
(fn inline sub1 [a] (- a LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne))
(fn inline dec [a] (- a LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne))
(fn inline add1 [a] (+ a LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne))
Expand Down

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