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Implement aoc2023 day22
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vipentti committed Dec 23, 2023
1 parent 7b5edea commit decfc0b
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Showing 2 changed files with 344 additions and 0 deletions.
337 changes: 337 additions & 0 deletions visp/examples/aoc2023/day22.visp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@

;; Copyright 2023 Ville Penttinen
;; Distributed under the MIT License.
;; for basic syntax highlighting
;; vim: set syntax=clojure:
(require SpanUtils "0.4.0")
(require FSharpx.Collections "3.1.0")

(open System)
(open System.Text.RegularExpressions)
(open SpanUtils.Extensions)
(open FSharpx.Collections)

(fn WriteResult (part value ex)
(printfn "%s: %A %A" part value (= value ex)))

(let splitOptions StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries)

(fn SplitLines ([text: string])
(.EnumerateSplitSubstrings text [| #\lf #\cr |] splitOptions))

(fn SpanSplitChars ([ch: array<char>] [text: ReadOnlySpan<char>])
(.EnumerateSplitSubstrings text ch splitOptions))

(let example (not (Array.contains "full" ARGV)))
(let day "day22")
(let filepath (String.concat "" [| "./inputs/" day (if example "_example" "") ".txt" |]))
(printfn "file: %s" filepath)

(let fileText (System.IO.File.ReadAllText filepath))

(syntax-macro ReadNext
[(_ id)
(ignore (.MoveNext id))
(+Current id))

(typedef XYZ (int * int * int))

(fn inline DiffXYZ ((x0, y0, z0) (x1, y1, z1))
((id (- x1 x0))
, (id (- y1 y0))
, (id (- z1 z0))

(fn inline AddXYZ ((x0, y0, z0) (x1, y1, z1))
((+ x0 x1), (+ y0 y1), (+ z0 z1)))

(fn inline X ((x, _, _)) x)
(fn inline Y ((_, y, _)) y)
(fn inline Z ((_, _, z)) z)

record Brick
[corner: XYZ]
[size: XYZ]
[offset: XYZ]

(override fn t.ToString()
(let (x0, y0, z0) (+corner t))
(let (x1, y1, z1) (AddXYZ (+corner t) (+size t)))
(sprintf "%i,%i,%i~%i,%i,%i" x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1)

(member t.Original ((+corner t), (AddXYZ (+corner t) (+size t))))

(member this.DisplayText (.ToString this))

(member t.Start (+corner t))
(member t.End (AddXYZ (+corner t) (+size t)))

;; cubes start 0, 0, 1
;; which is bottom left in XY and 1 up
(member t.BottomZ
(let (_, _, z0) (+MinCorner t))

;; cubes start 0, 0, 1
;; which is bottom left in XY and 1 up
(member t.EndZ
(let (_, _, z0) (+End t))

(member t.StartZ
(let (_, _, z0) (+Start t))

(member t.OnGround (= (+BottomZ t) 0))

(member t.MinCorner (AddXYZ (+corner t) (0, 0, -1)))
(member t.MaxCorner (->> (AddXYZ (+corner t) (+size t)) (AddXYZ (+offset t))))

(member t.Corners ((+MinCorner t), (+MaxCorner t)))

(member fn t.ZPositions ()
(match (+size t)
;; y-axis
[(0, ys, 0)
(let (ox, oy, oz) (+corner t))
(for/to [y (oy to (+ oy ys))]
(yield (ox, y, oz)))
;; x-axis
[(xs, 0, 0)
(let (ox, oy, oz) (+corner t))
(for/to [x (ox to (+ ox xs))]
(yield (x, ox, oz)))
[(0, 0, _)
(yield (+corner t))
[it (failwithf "unsupported size %A" it)]

(member fn t.BelowPositions ()
(->> (.ZPositions t) ( #(AddXYZ %1 (0, 0, -1)))))

(member fn t.Fall ()
(with t {| [corner (AddXYZ (+corner t) (0, 0, -1))] |} ))

(member fn t.Cubes ()
(let (x0, y0, z0) (+corner t))
(let (x1, y1, z1) (+size t))

(typedef BrickSeq array<Brick>)

(fn Intersects ([lhs: Brick] [rhs: Brick])
(let (lhs_min, lhs_max) (+Corners lhs))
(let (rhs_min, rhs_max) (+Corners rhs))

(let c1 (< (X lhs_max) (X rhs_min)))
(let c2 (< (X rhs_max) (X lhs_min)))

(let c3 (< (Z lhs_max) (Z rhs_min)))
(let c4 (< (Z rhs_max) (Z lhs_min)))

(let c5 (< (Y lhs_max) (Y rhs_min)))
(let c6 (< (Y rhs_max) (Y lhs_min)))

(not (-|| c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6)))

(fn inline IntersectsXY ([lhs: Brick] [rhs: Brick])
(let (lhs_min, lhs_max) (+Original lhs))
(let (rhs_min, rhs_max) (+Original rhs))

(<= (X lhs_min) (X rhs_max))
(>= (X lhs_max) (X rhs_min))
(<= (Y lhs_min) (Y rhs_max))
(>= (Y lhs_max) (Y rhs_min))

(fn IsBelow ([lhs: Brick] [rhs: Brick])
(let (lhs_min, lhs_max) (+Original lhs))
(let (rhs_min, rhs_max) (+Original rhs))


(module Seq
(fn inline maxOrDefault (def [source: seq<_>])
(use e (.GetEnumerator source))
(if (not (.MoveNext e))
(mut acc (+Current e))
(while (.MoveNext e)
(let curr (+Current e))
(if (> curr acc)
(set! acc curr)))

(fn HighestZ ([self: Brick] [others: seq<Brick>])
(->> others
(Seq.filter #(&& (!= self %1) (IntersectsXY self %1)))
( #(+EndZ %1))
(Seq.maxOrDefault 0)))

(fn Above ([self: Brick] [others: array<Brick>])
(->> others
(Array.filter #(&& (!= self %1) (IntersectsXY self %1) (= (+StartZ %1) (inc (+EndZ self)))))

(fn Below ([self: Brick] [others: array<Brick>])
(->> others
(Array.filter #(&& (!= self %1) (IntersectsXY self %1) (= (+EndZ %1) (dec (+StartZ self)))))

(fn ExceptSelf ([self: Brick] [others: array<Brick>])
(->> others (Array.filter #(!= self %1))))

(fn inline IsEmpty ([ls: array<^T>]) (= (+Length ls) 0))

(fn IsSafeToRemove ([self: Brick] [others: array<Brick>])
(fn rec Inner ([self: Brick] [to_check: array<Brick>] [above: list<Brick>])
(match above
[[] true]
(let below (Below one to_check))
(not (IsEmpty below))
[(lhs :: rest)
(let below (Below lhs to_check))
(if (IsEmpty below)
(Inner self to_check rest)

(Inner self (ExceptSelf self others) (->> (Above self others) List.ofArray))

(fn ContainsPositions ([lhs: Brick] [pos: Set<XYZ>])
(->> (.ZPositions lhs)
(Seq.exists #(Set.contains %1 pos))))

(fn ParseFile ([text: string])
(mut lines (SplitLines text))

(let bricks (!vec))
(while (.MoveNext lines)
(let line (+Current lines))
(unless (+IsEmpty line)
(mut coords (SpanSplitChars [| #\~ |] line))
(let lhs (ReadNext coords))
(mut lhs_coords (SpanSplitChars [| #\, |] lhs))
(let lhs_x (span->int32 (ReadNext lhs_coords)))
(let lhs_y (span->int32 (ReadNext lhs_coords)))
(let lhs_z (span->int32 (ReadNext lhs_coords)))
(let lhs_pos (lhs_x, lhs_y, lhs_z))
;;(let lhs_pos ((ReadNext lhs_coords) . (ReadNext lhs_coords) . (ReadNext lhs_coords)))

(let rhs (ReadNext coords))
(mut rhs_coords (SpanSplitChars [| #\, |] rhs))
(let rhs_x (span->int32 (ReadNext rhs_coords)))
(let rhs_y (span->int32 (ReadNext rhs_coords)))
(let rhs_z (span->int32 (ReadNext rhs_coords)))
(let rhs_pos (rhs_x, rhs_y, rhs_z))

;; (printfn "%A %A" (.ToString lhs) (.ToString rhs))

(let size (DiffXYZ lhs_pos rhs_pos))

(let corner_offset (match size
[(0, _, 0) (1, 0 ,0)]
[(_, 0, 0) (0, 1 ,0)]
[(0, 0, _) (1, 1 ,0)]
[_ (0, 0, 0)]

;; (printfn "%A %A %A %A" lhs_pos size (AddXYZ lhs_pos size) corner_offset)

(.Add bricks {| [corner lhs_pos] [size size] [offset corner_offset] |})
;(.ToArray bricks)
(->> bricks
(Seq.sortBy #(+BottomZ %1))

(fn FallBricks ([bricks: array<Brick>])
(let dropped (new ResizeArray<_>))

(for/in [brick bricks]
(let lowest (HighestZ brick dropped))
(let (x, y, _) (+corner brick))
(.Add dropped (with brick {| [corner (x, y, (inc lowest)) ] |})))

(.ToArray dropped))

(fn Part1 ([bricks: array<Brick>])
(let new_bricks (FallBricks bricks))

(->> new_bricks
(Seq.filter #(IsSafeToRemove %1 new_bricks))

(fn CountFallen ([self: Brick] [others: BrickSeq])
(mut fallen (!set))
(mut que (->> Queue.empty<_> (Queue.conj self)))

(mut remaining (Array.copy others))

(while-some [(brick, nq) (Queue.tryUncons que)]
(set! que nq)
[(Set.contains brick fallen) ()]
(up! fallen (Set.add brick))
(up! remaining (Array.filter #(!= brick %1)))

(set! que (->>
(Above brick remaining)
(Array.filter #(IsEmpty (Below %1 remaining)))
(Array.fold #(Queue.conj %2 %1) que)

(dec (Set.count fallen))

(fn Part2 ([bricks: BrickSeq])
(let new_bricks (FallBricks bricks))

(->> new_bricks
( #(CountFallen %1 new_bricks))
(Array.reduce add)))

(let parsed (ParseFile fileText))

(let part1 (Part1 parsed))
(WriteResult "part1" part1 (if example 5 522))

(let part2 (Part2 parsed))
(WriteResult "part2" part2 (if example 7 83519))

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions visp/examples/aoc2023/inputs/day22_example.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

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