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Implement aoc2023 day8
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vipentti committed Dec 8, 2023
1 parent 69a093f commit c3297c9
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Showing 3 changed files with 945 additions and 0 deletions.
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions visp/examples/aoc2023/day8.visp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
;; Copyright 2023 Ville Penttinen
;; Distributed under the MIT License.
;; for basic syntax highlighting
;; vim: set syntax=clojure:
(require SpanUtils "0.4.0")

(open System)
(open System.Collections.Generic)
(open System.Text.RegularExpressions)
(open SpanUtils.Extensions)

(fn WriteResult (part value ex)
(printfn "%s: %A %A" part value (= value ex)))

(let example (not (Array.contains "full" ARGV)))
(let day "day8")
(let filepath $"""./inputs/{day}{(if example "_example" "")}.txt""")
(printfn "file: %s" filepath)

(let splitOptions
(bor StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))

(fn SplitLines ([text: string])
(text.EnumerateSplitSubstrings ((!array #\lf #\cr), splitOptions)))

(let fileText (System.IO.File.ReadAllText filepath))

(fn rec cycle [xs]
(yield! xs)
(yield! (cycle xs))

(type Network ([name: string] [left: Network] [right: Network])
(let name name)
(let left left)
(let right right))

(let g_START "AAA")
(let g_END "ZZZ")

(let left fst)
(let right snd)

(fn ParseFile ([text: string])
(mut enu (SplitLines text))
(let _ (enu.MoveNext))
(let instructions (->> (.ToString enu.Current) Seq.toList))
(let mapping (new Dictionary<_,_>))

(while (enu.MoveNext)
(let line enu.Current)
[(not line.IsEmpty)
(mut parts (line.EnumerateSplitSubstrings (#\= , splitOptions)))
(let _ (parts.MoveNext))
(let from parts.Current)
(let _ (parts.MoveNext))
(let network parts.Current)
(mut networkParts (network.Trim (!array #\( #\)) ))
(mut networkParts (networkParts.EnumerateSplitSubstrings (#\, . splitOptions)))
(let _ (networkParts.MoveNext))
(let leftPart networkParts.Current)
(let _ (networkParts.MoveNext))
(let rightPart networkParts.Current)

(let from (.ToString from))
(let leftPart (.ToString leftPart))
(let rightPart (.ToString rightPart))

(.Add mapping from (leftPart . rightPart))

(instructions . mapping))

(let map (ParseFile fileText))

(type Dict Dictionary<string,string*string>)
(type MapType list<char>*Dict)

(fn GetNext ([d: Dict] [ins: char] [cur: string])
(match (.TryGetValue d cur)
[(false . _) (failwithf "not found %A" cur)]
[(true . pair)
(match ins
[#\L (left pair)]
[#\R (right pair)]
[_ (failwith "unreachable")])

(fn FindPathPart1 ((map : MapType))
(match map
[(instructions . network)
(mut steps 0)
(mut current g_START)
(mut loop true)
(mut insEnu (->> (cycle instructions) .GetEnumerator))

(while (and loop (not (= current g_END)))
(let _ (insEnu.MoveNext))
(let curIns insEnu.Current)
(set! current (GetNext network curIns current))
(set! steps (+ steps 1))

(let part1 (FindPathPart1 map))
(WriteResult "part1" part1 (if example 6 14257))

(let part2ExampleMap """
11A = (11B, XXX)
11B = (XXX, 11Z)
11Z = (11B, XXX)
22A = (22B, XXX)
22B = (22C, 22C)
22C = (22Z, 22Z)
22Z = (22B, 22B)

(let part2Map (if example (ParseFile part2ExampleMap) map))
(let starts (->> (snd part2Map) +Keys (Seq.filter #(.EndsWith %1 #\A)) (List.ofSeq)))
(let ends (->> (snd part2Map) +Keys (Seq.filter #(.EndsWith %1 #\Z)) (Set.ofSeq)))

;; (printfn "STARTS %A" starts)
;; (printfn "ENDS %A" ends)

(fn ContainsAll ([ends : Set<string>] [nodes: array<string>])
(->> nodes
(Array.forall #(Set.contains %1 ends))))

(fn FindUntilEnd ([map: MapType] [start: string] [ends : Set<string>])
(match map
[(instructions . network)
(mut steps 0L)
(mut current start)
(mut insEnu (->> (cycle instructions) .GetEnumerator))
(while (and (not (Set.contains current ends)))
(let _ (insEnu.MoveNext))
(let curIns insEnu.Current)
(set! current (GetNext network curIns current))
(set! steps (+ steps 1L)))

(fn Part2FindPath ([map: MapType] [starts: list<string>] [ends : Set<string>])
(match map
[(instructions . network)
(mut current (Array.ofList starts))
(let ends (->> current ( #(FindUntilEnd map %1 ends))))
;; (printfn "%A" ends)
(Array.reduce lcm64))

(let part2 (Part2FindPath part2Map starts ends))

(WriteResult "part2" part2 (if example 6L 16187743689077L))



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