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Implement aoc2023 day25
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vipentti committed Dec 25, 2023
1 parent 8b1f5a4 commit ad93a4b
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Showing 2 changed files with 193 additions and 0 deletions.
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions visp/examples/aoc2023/day25.visp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@

;; Copyright 2023 Ville Penttinen
;; Distributed under the MIT License.
;; for basic syntax highlighting
;; vim: set syntax=clojure:
(require SpanUtils "0.4.0")
(require FSharpx.Collections "3.1.0")

(open System)
(open System.Collections.Generic)
(open System.Text.RegularExpressions)
(open SpanUtils.Extensions)
(open FSharpx.Collections)

(fn WriteResult (part value ex)
(printfn "%s: %A %A" part value (= value ex)))

(syntax-macro read-while-not-empty
([_ (id enu) body ...]
(while (.MoveNext enu)
(let id (+Current enu))
(unless (+IsEmpty id)
(begin body ...)

(syntax-macro read-next
[(_ enu)
(ignore (.MoveNext enu))
(+Current enu))])

(const splitOptions StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries)

(fn SplitLines ([text: string])
(.EnumerateSplitSubstrings text [| #\lf #\cr |] splitOptions))

(fn SpanSplitChars ([ch: array<char>] [text: ReadOnlySpan<char>])
(.EnumerateSplitSubstrings text ch splitOptions))

(let example (not (Array.contains "full" ARGV)))
(let day "day25")
(let filepath (String.concat "" [| "./inputs/" day (if example "_example" "") ".txt" |]))
(printfn "file: %s" filepath)

(let fileText (System.IO.File.ReadAllText filepath))

(typedef ComponentMap Map<string, Set<string>>)

(fn ParseFile ([text: string])
(mut lines (SplitLines text))

(mut res Map.empty)

(read-while-not-empty [line lines]
(mut parts (SpanSplitChars [|#\:|] line))
(let next (.ToString (read-next parts)))

(let targets (read-next parts))
(mut comps (SpanSplitChars [| #\space |] targets))

(mut targets Set.empty)

(read-while-not-empty [comp comps]
(let tgt (.ToString comp))

(up! targets (Set.add tgt)))

(up! res (Map.add next targets))

(for/in [(name, set) (Map.toList res)]
(for/in [item (Set.toList set)]
(match (Map.tryFind item res)
(up! res (Map.add item (Set.singleton name)))
[(Some found_set)
(up! res (Map.add item (Set.add name found_set)))


(fn BFS ([graph: ComponentMap] [src: string] [tgt: Option<string>])
(mut prev (!map (src . "")))
(let fakeStack (!vec src))
(mut sp 0)

(fn pop ()
(if (< sp (+Count fakeStack))
(let v (.[sp] fakeStack))
(up! sp inc)
(Some v))

(fn push (v)
(.Add fakeStack v))

(mut looping true)
(let tgtValue (Option.defaultValue "" tgt))

(while looping
(match (pop)
[None (set! looping false)]
[(Some cur)
[(= cur tgtValue) (set! looping false) ]
(for/in [dst (.[cur] graph)]
(unless (Map.containsKey dst prev)
(up! prev (Map.add dst cur))
(push dst)

(fn getpath (tgt)
(mut path (||))
(mut tgt tgt)
;; (printfn "%A" fakeStack)
(while-some [next (Map.tryFind tgt prev)]
;; (printfn "getting %A -> %A" tgt next)
(when_ (> (+Length tgt) 0)
(up! path (cons tgt))
(set! tgt next)
(List.rev path))

(if (+IsNone tgt)
(getpath (.[(dec (+Count fakeStack))] fakeStack))
(if (not (Map.containsKey tgtValue prev))
(List.ofSeq fakeStack)
(getpath tgtValue)

(fn EdmondKarp (graph count src)
(mut removed List.empty)
(mut tgt None)
(mut graph graph)

(for/to [_ (1 to count)]
(let path (BFS graph src tgt))
(mut pre (List.head path))
(set! tgt (Some pre))

(for/in [cur (List.tail path)]
(up! graph (Map.updateWith #(Some (Set.remove pre %2)) cur))
(up! graph (Map.updateWith #(Some (Set.remove cur %2)) pre))
(up! removed (cons (cur . pre)))
(set! pre cur)

(let reachable (BFS graph src tgt))
(List.length reachable))

(let parsed (ParseFile fileText))

;; (for/in [(name, set) (Map.toList parsed)]
;; ;; (printfn "%A: %A" name (Set.toList set))
;; )

(let total (Map.count parsed))
;; (let part1 (EdmondKarp parsed 3 (->> parsed (Map.toList) (List.head) fst)))
(let reachable (EdmondKarp parsed 3 (if example "jqt" "dmm")))

(let part1 (* reachable (- total reachable)))

;; (printfn "%A" )
(WriteResult "part1" part1 (if example 54 598120))

;(printfn "%A" parsed)

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions visp/examples/aoc2023/inputs/day25_example.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
jqt: rhn xhk nvd
rsh: frs pzl lsr
xhk: hfx
cmg: qnr nvd lhk bvb
rhn: xhk bvb hfx
bvb: xhk hfx
pzl: lsr hfx nvd
qnr: nvd
ntq: jqt hfx bvb xhk
nvd: lhk
lsr: lhk
rzs: qnr cmg lsr rsh
frs: qnr lhk lsr

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