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Add support for additional number types
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- Refactor lexing of numbers completely based on F# compilers own
- Add basic DiagnosticsLogger which can be used for logging errors
  during parsing and lexing.
  • Loading branch information
vipentti committed Dec 8, 2023
1 parent 0779a1f commit 0b661e4
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Showing 17 changed files with 3,767 additions and 2,144 deletions.
329 changes: 329 additions & 0 deletions src/Visp.Compiler/DiagnosticsLogger.fs
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@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
// Copyright 2023 Ville Penttinen
// Distributed under the MIT License.

module Visp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger

open Visp.Compiler.Text.Range
open Visp.Compiler.Text
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Reflection
open System.Threading

/// Thrown when we want to add some range information to a .NET exception
exception WrappedError of exn * range with
override this.Message =
match this :> exn with
| WrappedError(exn, _) -> "WrappedError(" + exn.Message + ")"
| _ -> "WrappedError"

/// Thrown when immediate, local error recovery is not possible. This indicates
/// we've reported an error but need to make a non-local transfer of control.
/// Error recovery may catch this and continue (see 'errorRecovery')
/// The exception that caused the report is carried as data because in some
/// situations (LazyWithContext) we may need to re-report the original error
/// when a lazy thunk is re-evaluated.
exception ReportedError of exn option with
override this.Message =
let msg =
"The exception has been reported. This internal exception should now be caught at an error recovery point on the stack."

match this :> exn with
| ReportedError(Some exn) -> msg + " Original message: " + exn.Message + ")"
| _ -> msg

/// Thrown when we stop processing the F# Interactive entry or #load.
exception StopProcessingExn of exn option with
override _.Message =
"Processing of a script fragment has stopped because an exception has been raised"

override this.ToString() =
match this :> exn with
| StopProcessingExn(Some exn) -> "StopProcessingExn, originally (" + exn.ToString() + ")"
| _ -> "StopProcessingExn"

let (|StopProcessing|_|) exn =
match exn with
| StopProcessingExn _ -> Some()
| _ -> None

let StopProcessing<'T> = StopProcessingExn None

exception DiagnosticWithText of number: int * message: string * range: range with
override this.Message =
match this :> exn with
| DiagnosticWithText(_, msg, _) -> msg
| _ -> "impossible"

exception InternalError of message: string * range: range with
override this.Message =
match this :> exn with
| InternalError(msg, m) -> msg + m.ToString()
| _ -> "impossible"

exception InternalException of exn: Exception * msg: string * range: range with
override this.Message =
match this :> exn with
| InternalException(_, msg, _) -> msg
| _ -> "impossible"

override this.ToString() =
match this :> exn with
| InternalException(exn, _, _) -> exn.ToString()
| _ -> "impossible"

let mkDiagnosticWithText ((n, text), m) = DiagnosticWithText(n, text, m)

// Attach a range if this is a range dual exception.
let rec AttachRange m (exn: exn) =
if equals m range0 then
match exn with
// Strip TargetInvocationException wrappers
| :? TargetInvocationException -> AttachRange m exn.InnerException
| :? NotSupportedException -> exn
| :? SystemException -> InternalException(exn, exn.Message, m)
| _ -> exn

/// Closed enumeration of build phases.
type DiagnosticSeverity =
| Info
| Warning
| Error

/// Closed enumeration of build phases.
type BuildPhase =
| DefaultPhase
| Compile
| Parse
| Output
| Internal

/// Literal build phase subcategory strings.
module BuildPhaseSubcategory =
let DefaultPhase = ""

let Compile = "compile"

let Parse = "parse"

let Output = "output"

let Internal = "internal" // Compiler ICE

type PhasedDiagnostic =
{ Exception: exn
Phase: BuildPhase }

/// Construct a phased error
static member Create(exn: exn, phase: BuildPhase) : PhasedDiagnostic =
{ Exception = exn; Phase = phase }

member this.DebugDisplay() =
sprintf "%s: %s" (this.Subcategory()) this.Exception.Message

/// This is the textual subcategory to display in error and warning messages (shows only under --vserrors):
/// file1.fs(72): subcategory warning FS0072: This is a warning message
member pe.Subcategory() =
match pe.Phase with
| BuildPhase.DefaultPhase -> BuildPhaseSubcategory.DefaultPhase
| BuildPhase.Compile -> BuildPhaseSubcategory.Compile
| BuildPhase.Parse -> BuildPhaseSubcategory.Parse
| BuildPhase.Output -> BuildPhaseSubcategory.Output
| BuildPhase.Internal -> BuildPhaseSubcategory.Internal

type DiagnosticsLogger(nameForDebugging: string) =
abstract ErrorCount: int

// The 'Impl' factoring enables a developer to place a breakpoint at the non-Impl
// code just below and get a breakpoint for all error logger implementations.
abstract DiagnosticSink: diagnostic: PhasedDiagnostic * severity: DiagnosticSeverity -> unit

member x.CheckForErrors() = (x.ErrorCount > 0)

member _.DebugDisplay() =
sprintf "DiagnosticsLogger(%s)" nameForDebugging

let DiscardErrorsLogger =
{ new DiagnosticsLogger("DiscardErrorsLogger") with
member _.DiagnosticSink(diagnostic, severity) = ()
member _.ErrorCount = 0 }

let AssertFalseDiagnosticsLogger =
{ new DiagnosticsLogger("AssertFalseDiagnosticsLogger") with
member _.DiagnosticSink(diagnostic, severity) = (* assert false; *) ()
member _.ErrorCount = (* assert false; *) 0 }

type CapturingDiagnosticsLogger(nm, ?eagerFormat) =
inherit DiagnosticsLogger(nm)
let mutable errorCount = 0
let diagnostics = ResizeArray()

override _.DiagnosticSink(diagnostic, severity) =
let diagnostic =
match eagerFormat with
| None -> diagnostic
| Some f -> f diagnostic

if severity = DiagnosticSeverity.Error then
errorCount <- errorCount + 1

diagnostics.Add(diagnostic, severity)

override _.ErrorCount = errorCount

member _.Diagnostics = diagnostics |> Seq.toList

member _.CommitDelayedDiagnostics(diagnosticsLogger: DiagnosticsLogger) =
// Eagerly grab all the errors and warnings from the mutable collection
let errors = diagnostics.ToArray()
errors |> Array.iter diagnosticsLogger.DiagnosticSink

/// Type holds thread-static globals for use by the compile.
type internal DiagnosticsThreadStatics =
[<ThreadStatic; DefaultValue>]
static val mutable private buildPhase: BuildPhase

[<ThreadStatic; DefaultValue>]
static val mutable private diagnosticsLogger: DiagnosticsLogger

static member BuildPhaseUnchecked = DiagnosticsThreadStatics.buildPhase

static member BuildPhase
with get () =
match box DiagnosticsThreadStatics.buildPhase with
| null -> BuildPhase.DefaultPhase
| _ -> DiagnosticsThreadStatics.buildPhase
and set v = DiagnosticsThreadStatics.buildPhase <- v

static member DiagnosticsLogger
with get () =
match box DiagnosticsThreadStatics.diagnosticsLogger with
| null -> AssertFalseDiagnosticsLogger
| _ -> DiagnosticsThreadStatics.diagnosticsLogger
and set v = DiagnosticsThreadStatics.diagnosticsLogger <- v

module DiagnosticsLoggerExtensions =
/// Instruct the exception not to reset itself when thrown again.
let PreserveStackTrace exn =
let preserveStackTrace =
BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic

preserveStackTrace.Invoke(exn, null) |> ignore
with _ ->
// This is probably only the mono case.
Debug.Assert(false, "Could not preserve stack trace for watson exception.")

type DiagnosticsLogger with

member x.EmitDiagnostic(exn, severity) =
match exn with
| InternalError(s, _)
| InternalException(_, s, _)
| Failure s as exn ->
sprintf "Unexpected exception raised in compiler: %s\n%s" s (exn.ToString())
| _ -> ()

match exn with
| StopProcessing
| ReportedError _ ->
PreserveStackTrace exn
raise exn
| _ ->
PhasedDiagnostic.Create(exn, DiagnosticsThreadStatics.BuildPhase),

member x.ErrorR exn =
x.EmitDiagnostic(exn, DiagnosticSeverity.Error)

member x.Warning exn =
x.EmitDiagnostic(exn, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning)

member x.InformationalWarning exn =
x.EmitDiagnostic(exn, DiagnosticSeverity.Info)

member x.Error exn =
x.ErrorR exn
raise (ReportedError(Some exn))

member x.SimulateError diagnostic =
x.DiagnosticSink(diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity.Error)
raise (ReportedError(Some diagnostic.Exception))

member x.ErrorRecovery (exn: exn) (m: range) =
// Never throws ReportedError.
// Throws StopProcessing and exceptions raised by the DiagnosticSink(exn) handler.
match exn with
// Don't send ThreadAbortException down the error channel
| :? System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
| WrappedError(:? System.Threading.ThreadAbortException, _) -> ()
| ReportedError _
| WrappedError(ReportedError _, _) -> ()
| StopProcessing
| WrappedError(StopProcessing, _) ->
PreserveStackTrace exn
raise exn
| _ ->
x.ErrorR(AttachRange m exn) // may raise exceptions, e.g. an fsi error sink raises StopProcessing.
| ReportedError _
| WrappedError(ReportedError _, _) -> ()

member x.StopProcessingRecovery (exn: exn) (m: range) =
// Do standard error recovery.
// Additionally ignore/catch StopProcessing. [This is the only catch handler for StopProcessing].
// Additionally ignore/catch ReportedError.
// Can throw other exceptions raised by the DiagnosticSink(exn) handler.
match exn with
| StopProcessing
| WrappedError(StopProcessing, _) -> () // suppress, so skip error recovery.
| _ ->
x.ErrorRecovery exn m
| StopProcessing
| WrappedError(StopProcessing, _) -> () // catch, e.g. raised by DiagnosticSink.
| ReportedError _
| WrappedError(ReportedError _, _) -> () // catch, but not expected unless ErrorRecovery is changed.

member x.ErrorRecoveryNoRange(exn: exn) = x.ErrorRecovery exn range0

/// Raises an exception with error recovery and returns unit.
let errorR exn =
DiagnosticsThreadStatics.DiagnosticsLogger.ErrorR exn

/// Raises a special exception and returns 'T - can be caught later at an errorRecovery point.
let error exn =
DiagnosticsThreadStatics.DiagnosticsLogger.Error exn

let errorRecovery exn m =
DiagnosticsThreadStatics.DiagnosticsLogger.ErrorRecovery exn m

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