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- To get page count
import com.testautomationguru.utility.PDFUtil;
PDFUtil pdfUtil = new PDFUtil();
pdfUtil.getPageCount("c:/sample.pdf"); //returns the page count
- To get page content as plain text
//returns the pdf content - all pages
// returns the pdf content from page number 2
// returns the pdf content from page number 5 to 8
pdfUtil.getText("c:/sample.pdf", 5, 8);
- To extract attached images from PDF
//set the path where we need to store the images
// extracts & saves the pdf content from page number 3
pdfUtil.extractImages("c:/sample.pdf", 3);
// extracts & saves the pdf content from page 2
pdfUtil.extractImages("c:/sample.pdf", 2, 2);
- To store PDF pages as images
//set the path where we need to store the images
- To compare PDF files in text mode (faster – But it does not compare the format, images etc in the PDF)
String file1="c:/files/doc1.pdf";
String file1="c:/files/doc2.pdf";
// compares the pdf documents & returns a boolean
// true if both files have same content. false otherwise.
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2);
// compare the 3rd page alone
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2, 3, 3);
// compare the pages from 1 to 5
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2, 1, 5);
- To exclude certain text while comparing PDF files in text mode
String file1="c:/files/doc1.pdf";
String file1="c:/files/doc2.pdf";
//pass all the possible texts to be removed before comparing
pdfutil.excludeText("1998", "testautomation");
//pass regex patterns to be removed before comparing
// \\d+ removes all the numbers in the pdf before comparing
// compares the pdf documents & returns a boolean
// true if both files have same content. false otherwise.
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2);
// compare the 3rd page alone
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2, 3, 3);
// compare the pages from 1 to 5
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2, 1, 5);
- To compare PDF files in Visual mode (slower – compares PDF documents pixel by pixel – highlights pdf difference & store the result as image)
String file1="c:/files/doc1.pdf";
String file1="c:/files/doc2.pdf";
// compares the pdf documents & returns a boolean
// true if both files have same content. false otherwise.
// Default is CompareMode.TEXT_MODE
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2);
// compare the 3rd page alone
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2, 3, 3);
// compare the pages from 1 to 5
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2, 1, 5);
//if you need to store the result
pdfUtil.compare(file1, file2);