This is updated plugin currently bundles appcenter analytics, crashes and distribute.
To get started, go to AppCenter and register your apps.
For detailed AppCenter API reference, go to https://aka.ms/appcenterdocs
import 'package:flutter_appcenter_bundle/flutter_appcenter_bundle.dart';
await AppCenter.startAsync(
appSecretAndroid: '******',
appSecretIOS: '******',
enableAnalytics: true, // Defaults to true
enableCrashes: true, // Defaults to true
enableDistribute: true, // Defaults to false
usePrivateDistributeTrack: false, // Defaults to false
disableAutomaticCheckForUpdate: false, // Defaults to false
AppCenter.trackEventAsync('my event', <String, String> {
'prop1': 'prop1',
'prop2': 'prop2',
await AppCenter.configureAnalyticsAsync(enabled: true);
await AppCenter.configureCrashesAsync(enabled: true);
await AppCenter.configureDistributeAsync(enabled: true);
await AppCenter.configureDistributeDebugAsync(enabled: true); // Android Only
await AppCenter.checkForUpdateAsync(); // Manually check for update