This repository contains the implementation of the Discrete Latent Dialogue Language Model (DLDLM).
This repository is organised into four main directories:
contains the directories to host:- results of the experiments;
- checkpoints generated during the experiments;
- experiment configuration dumps;
- experiment logs.
contains the directories to host:- data exploration notebooks.
contains:- directories to host the dialogue corpora used in the experiments, and the references to download them;
- directory to host the YAML configuration files to run the experiments.
- directory to host the pre-trained models, and the references to download them.
contains modules and scripts to:- run training and evaluation steps;
- interact with the trained models;
- load and preprocess corpora.
For further details, refer to the
within each directory.
To install all the required packages within an anaconda environment, run the following commands:
# Create anaconda environment (skip cudatoolkit option if you don't want to use the GPU)
conda create -n dldlm python=3.10 cudatoolkit=11.3
# Activate anaconda environment
conda activate dldlm
# Install packages
conda install pytorch=1.11.0 torchvision=0.12.0 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge transformers=4.18.0
conda install -c conda-forge tensorboard=2.9.1 pandas scikit-learn matplotlib seaborn spacy jupyterlab
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
pip install spacytextblob
conda install -c plotly plotly
conda install -c conda-forge python-kaleido
To add the source code directory to the Python path, you can add this line to the file ~/.bashrc
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/dldlm/src
There is a script to train or fine-tune the model, it expects to have ./src
in the Python path and all data sets to be downloaded and placed in the ./resources/data/raw/
To train or fine-tune the model run:
python ./src/bin/ --config_file_path ./resources/configs/path/to/config.yaml
To train or fine-tune the model in background run:
nohup python ./src/bin/ --config_file_path ./resources/configs/path/to/config.yaml > experiment_"$(date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')".out &
To connect to a remote server and monitor the training process via Tensorboard connect via ssh to your machine using a tunnel
ssh -L 16006: user@adderess
Start the Tensorboard server on the remote machine
tensorboard --logdir ./expertiments/path/to/tensorboard/
Finally connect to on your local machine
There is a script to run the final evaluation of the model, the requirements to run it are the same of the training script.
To run the evaluation in background execute:
nohup python ./src/bin/ --config_file_path ./resources/configs/path/to/training/config.yaml > experiment_"$(date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')".out &
There is a script available to chat directly with any of the models, it can be run using the following command:
python ./src/bin/ --config_file_path ./resources/configs/path/to/inference/config.yaml
Alternatively there is the chatbot_api
sub-module designed for the re-use of the agent outside the repository.
The API uses the base GPT-2 class from the Transformers library instead of the DLDLM extension we provide to promote re-use (note that it is not mandatory to install the other libraries in this case).
Here follows a usage example
from dldlm.chatbot_api.chatbot import DLDLMChatbot
# Define generate parameters (see HuggingFace Transformers documentation)
generate_kwargs = {'top_p': 1.0, 'top_k': 0, 'temperature': 0.7, 'do_sample': True}
# Create chatbot instance
chatbot = DLDLMChatbot(
# Define context (list of previous turns)
context = ['Hello, how are you?', 'Fine thanks, what about you?']
# Generate response
response = chatbot(context)