Codebase for the extended summary "On the Role of Dialogue Context in Predicting Speaking Style". This repository contains the implementation of the DialogueGST described in the paper.
This repository is organised into four main directories:
contains the directories to host:- results of the experiments;
- checkpoints generated during the experiments;
- experiment configuration dumps;
- experiment logs.
contains the directories to host:- usage example notebook.
contains:- directories to host the dialogue corpora used in the experiments, and the references to download them;
- directory to host the YAML configuration files to run the experiments.
- directory to host the pre-trained models, and the references to download them.
contains modules and scripts to:- run training and evaluation steps;
- load and preprocess corpora.
For further details, refer to the
within each directory.
To install all the required packages within an anaconda environment, run the following commands:
# Create anaconda environment (skip cudatoolkit option if you don't want to use the GPU)
conda create -n dgst python=3.10 cudatoolkit=11.3
# Activate anaconda environment
conda activate dgst
# Install packages
conda install pytorch=1.11.0 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge numpy=1.21 transformers tensorboard pandas scikit-learn librosa matplotlib seaborn jupyterlab
# Additional packages
conda install -c conda-forge scipy=1.9.1 tensorflow music21 inflect tensorboardx unidecode pydantic=1.10.2
conda install -c anaconda nltk pillow
pip install jamo
# Download and initialise TTS API submodule
git submodule init; git submodule update
# NOTE follow the API instructions to complete installation
To add the directories to the Python path, you can add these lines to the file ~/.bashrc
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/dialoguegst/src
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/dialoguegst/submodules/tts_mellotron_api/src
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/dialoguegst/submodules/tts_mellotron_api/submodules
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/dialoguegst/submodules/tts_mellotron_api/submodules/mellotron
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/dialoguegst/submodules/tts_mellotron_api/submodules/mellotron/waveglow
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/dialoguegst/submodules/tts_mellotron_api/submodules/tacotron2
There is a script to train or fine-tune the model, it expects to have ./src
in the Python path and all data sets to be downloaded and placed in the ./resources/data/raw/
To train the model run:
python ./src/bin/ --config_file_path ./resources/configs/path/to/config.yaml
To train the model in background run:
nohup python ./src/bin/ --config_file_path ./resources/configs/path/to/config.yaml > experiment_"$(date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')".out &
To connect to a remote server and monitor the training process via Tensorboard connect via ssh to your machine using a tunnel
ssh -L 16006: user@adderess
Start the Tensorboard server on the remote machine
tensorboard --logdir ./expertiments/path/to/tensorboard/
Finally, connect to on your local machine
If you are willing to use our code or our models, please cite our work through the following BibTeX entry: