Time Complexity : O(NlogM) Space Complexity: O(N)
If 'M' represents the number of top items to be returned and 'N' represents the size of the input list, then,
'enqueue' operation for each element takes O(logM) times. Worst case is N times. 'printQueue' operation takes O(M) using stack.
Space required is O(M) for building priority queue using min-heap. O(N) is required for stack.
Run following commands in the root directory of the project:
import { PriorityQueue, QueueClient } from '@vimal_madhavan/queue-client';
const queueClient = new QueueClient(new PriorityQueue());
try {
const topN = queueClient?.findTopN([1, 2, 5, 3, 4], 2);
} catch(e) {
const errorMessage = (e as Error).message;
//handle errorMessage here
Additionally, following npm commands are available:
"build" : generate node compatiable (commonjs) es5 output,
"format": format using prettier,
"lint": checks for linting errors/warnings. uses eslint - airbnb,
"lint:fix": fixes possible linting issues,
"test": run tests,
"coverage": generate code coverage
"prepare": setup husky for git pre-commit hooks