MongoDB, Atlas-on-AWS-Cloud, Javascript, ReactJS, Bootstrap
This is a virtual bookstore, powered with the technologies, described above. Here is a general arcitectural view:
Realm is a mobile-first database designed for modern, data-driven applications. You can use Realm to build mobile, web, desktop, and IoT apps.
MongoDB ATLAS - RealmApp functions
exports = async function(fname, lname){
// Find the name of the MongoDB service to use
var serviceName = "mongodb-atlas";
// Update these to reflect your db/collection
var dbName = "vibookstore";
var collName = "books";
// Get a collection from the context
var collection =;
if (fname=="" && lname=="")
return await collection.find({});
return await collection.find({ $or : [ { "author.firstname" : fname }, { "author.lastname" : lname } ] });
exports = async function(arg){
// Find the name of the MongoDB service you want to use
var serviceName = "mongodb-atlas";
// Update these to reflect your db/collection
var dbName = "vibookstore";
var collName = "books";
// Get a collection from the context
var collection =;
return await collection.aggregate([
{ $group : {_id:"$author", booksForThisAuthor:{ $sum:1 }, id : { $first:"$id" } } },
{ $sort : { _id : 1 } }
exports = async function(arg){
// Find the name of the MongoDB service you want to use (see "Linked Data Sources" tab)
var serviceName = "mongodb-atlas";
// Update these to reflect your db/collection
var dbName = "vibookstore";
var collName = "books";
// Get a collection from the context
var collection =;
return await collection.aggregate([
{ $match:{ year : { $gt : 0 } }},
{ $group : {_id:"$year", booksForThisYear:{ $sum:1 }, id : { $first:"$id" } } },
{ $sort : { _id : 1 } }
Realm React is an npm package that provides an easy-to-use API to perform common Realm operations, such as querying or writing to a realm and listening to realm objects.
Realm React helps you avoid creating boilerplate code, such as creating your own listeners and state management. Realm React provides access to Realm database through a set of hooks that update React state when the Realm data changes. This means that components using these hooks will re-render on any changes to data in the realm.
npm install realm-web
function MyComponent() {
const [books, setBooks] = useState([]);
async function fetchData() {
const REALM_APP_ID = "vibookstoreappservice-shyqt";
const app = new Realm.App( {id:REALM_APP_ID} );
const credentials = await Realm.Credentials.anonymous();
try {
const user = await app.logIn(credentials);
const allBooks = await user.functions.getAllBooks();
} catch (error) {
We adopt serverless approach by using REALM_APP_ID, instead any connection strings.