Title - Chess Game in Python In this project I implement the basic chess UI and AI which can play with the Human. As there are many AI Algorithm which can be used to implement the Chess AI I choose the "MIN-MAX with Alpha-Beta" for this project.
- python interpreter version > 3.7 install on your machine
- Install the pygame package from the "The Python Package Index (PyPI)"
"python main.py"
- In ai.py (line number 7) you can change the value of level to ( 1, 2, 3, 4....). level basically controls the depth till when your AI evaluates the chess board position and makes a decision.
- In main.py on line number 27, 28 there are two variables playerOne and playerTwo basically if playerOne is true it indicates that playerOne is human. If False then It is AI who playing the Game. If you set playerOne = False and playerTwo = False the form both the side AI will play the Game. and similarly if you set both as true then both is player is Human. If one is True and one is False then one is AI and another is human.