ControllerLess is DSL to DRY controller and Routes using inherited_resources inspired by activeadmin.
ControllerLess requires ruby 2.* with rails 3.-4. to run.
gem 'controller_less', '~> 0.0.9.pre'
Initialize the gem by creating file in config/initializers/controller_less.rb
, the basic file will look like this.
ControllerLess.setup do
You will also need to add this line ControllerLess.load_routes
in config/routes.rb
To use ControllerLess you have to create posts_cls.rb
in the app/cls
ControllerLess.register Post do
To use namespace pass the parameter of namespace to .register
method checkbelow for example.
Controller.register Post, namespace: "Api::V1" do
By default ControllerLess creates seven actions with their routes using inherited_resources. You can restrict the access by passing options to only method. check the exmaple below
Controller.register Post do
only :index, :show
Following methods are delegate to controller.
:respond_to, :_insert_callbacks, :_normalize_callback_options, :after_action, :append_after_action, :append_around_action, :append_before_action, :around_action, :before_action, :prepend_after_action, :prepend_around_action, :prepend_before_action, :skip_action_callback, :skip_after_action, :skip_around_action, :skip_before_action, :skip_filter
How to use the callback in ControllerLess check the example below.
ControllerLess.register User do
before_action :authenticate_user!
ControllerLess works smooth with Strong Parameters to allow the parameters pass the values to permitted_params
. Please check the example below.
ControllerLess.register Post do
permitted_params :title, :create
You can override method by writing code in controller block. Please the check the example.
ControllerLess.register Post do
controller do
def index
@posts = Post.last(5)
If you discover any bug please report it in the issue tracker. Feedback can be sent to a2ninek [at] yahoo [dot] com. MIT License. Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Kamal Ejaz.