SQL Editor is a Liferay portlet designed for interacting with your portal's database.
You don't need to have direct access to your DB Machine, the connection is got from portal infraestructure.
At this time, this portlet works with Liferay 6.2 and these DBs:
- Oracle (tested with 10G)
- Postgres
- Hypersonic DB
If your DB is not included, you can contribute writing a new SQLDialog. Its very simple
This portlet has been tested on Chrome 36, Safari 8.0 and Firefox 31
This portlet will be located in Liferay Marketplace. Now it is validation process.
You can download the war file from github [WAR] (https://github.com/victormiranda/sql-editor/blob/master/dist/sql-editor.war?raw=true) and set it in DEPLOY folder.
You can fork this repo and build the portlet using the Liferay SDK
##Access in portal You can access this portlet in Control panel - Configuration - SQL Editor
You can launch queries with shortcut CTRL + INTRO or ⌘ + INTRO. More shortcuts will be added.
This project is under heavy development, so new features will be added ASAP. If you want to contribute, go ahead :D