- Please install vs code, register github, install git for windows
- (check-point 1) github create a new repository (aiot0524)
- go to vs code clone this repository (choose new branch)
- vs code 安裝 python extension
- pip install flask, pandas, sklearn
- 快捷鍵 ctrl+shift+p ===> package manager 叫出 (git clone....)
- 快捷鍵 ctrl+' ==> 叫出終端機
(check-point 2) 為了要upload local file to github from local要終端機 C:> 設定下面 (不設定 branch default ='main')
- C:> git config --global user.name "vickychen928"
- C:> git config --global user.email [email protected]
C:> git remote add origin https://github.com/huanchen1107/aiot0524.git
if you want to change:
git remote add origin https://github.com/huanchen1107/aiot0524.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main