This Hive UDF sample code contains 2 functions: MyUpper() and MyContains()
They are tested in Hive 0.12, 0.13 and 1.0.
To make Hive UDF work in Drill, please follow this blog:
mvn package
##b. Prepare a Hive table with sample data
In Hive CLI, create a test table:
CREATE TABLE testarray(col1 string, col2 string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY "|";
CREATE TABLE testarray2(col1 array<string>, col2 string) ;
Put below data for testarray:
echo "abc|xyz" >
Insert into testarray2:
insert into table testarray2 select array(col1,col2),col2 from testarray;
hive> select * from testarray2 ;
["abc","xyz"] xyz
Time taken: 0.06 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
##c. Test UDF
ADD JAR ~/target/MyUDF-1.0.0.jar;
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION MyUpper AS 'openkb.hive.udf.MyUpper';
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION MyContains AS 'openkb.hive.udf.MyContains';
SELECT MyUpper(col2) FROM testarray2;
SELECT MyContains(col1,col2) FROM testarray2;