Compare multiple maps side by side.
Missing feature? Found a bug? Need more map sources? Pull requests are more than welcome!
npm install
npm run dev
You can add custom map source by clicking the "Add Custom Source" button in the navbar.
Configuration is stored in the browser's local storage.
You can add API keys for:
- Google Maps
- Radar Maps
Thanks to Stadia Maps for providing API access - no key required.
Initially, this project was mostly generated by Claude AI.
I wanted to develop a simple tool that I needed for I thought about using this opportunity to try out Claude AI for coding a project from scratch. It worked surprisingly well! I was able to explain my idea and get a working prototype in a few hours. Most of the time I was just copying code from Claude and pasting it into the editor. Later, I started using Cursor AI (with claude-3.5-sonnet model) which improved the experience a lot. I will try adding info in the commits when AI couldn't handle task.