- Title:
- Authors:
- Description:
TermTranslate - is freely and easy to use translator in terminal!
- python >> 3.4
- googletrans >> 2.3.0+
- help
python (or python3) [your path to main.py] [functions] [options]" functions:" --wordtran: translate words and texts:" options:" 'your word or text' [language that you want]" --dctlang: detect language/s of words" options:" [your word]" --langs: all available langs" "CAUTION: all texts or few word would be in ''```
- softfare
OS: MacOS Monterey 12.6.6 Python: 3.10.10 googletrans: 2.3.0
- hardware
CPU: 2-core Intel Core i5
- if you have
AttributeError: module 'httpcore' has no attribute 'SyncHTTPTransport'
, see this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72796594/attributeerror-module-httpcore-has-no-attribute-synchttptransport