This is an image for apache zookeeper based on ubuntu:trusty docker image
- 3.4.7, latest, circleci (Dockerfile)
The container has default environment variables that shouldn't be touched:
Environment Variable | Description | Value |
home directory where zookeeper is installed | /opt/zookeeper/ |
configuration file for zookeeper | /opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg |
To run container in standalone mode just don't set ZK_ID
environment variable:
docker run -d -ti --publish 2181:2181 --name zookeeper vasylpurchel/zookeeper
Or it can be used in replicated mode:
docker run -d -ti -e ZK_CLIENT_PORT="2181" -e ZK_SERVERS="" -e ZK_ID=1 --publish 2181:2181 --publish 2888:2888 --publish 3888:3888 --name zookeeper-node-1 vasylpurchel/zookeeper
To configure zookeeper instance you can use environment variables that starts with a same name as zookeeper configuration entries with ZK_
prefix, uppercase and words splitted by _
Few examples:
Environment Variable | Zookeeper Property |
dataDir |
tickTime |
initLimit |
By default only ZK_DATA_DIR
is set to /tmp/zookeeper
and in zoo.cfg file default values are:
Zookeeper Property | Default value |
tickTime |
2000 |
clientPort |
2181 |
dataDir |
/tmp/zookeeper |
To save data you need to mount volume to ZK_DATA_DIR
docker run -d -ti -v /data/zookeeper:/tmp/zookeeper --publish 2181:2181 --name zookeeper vasylpurchel/zookeeper is generating configuration for container and runs any parameters after, so you can use this image to run other zookeeper related tasks and not only starting server in foreground(default one)
Make sure you are in zookeeper folder and that ip address in docker-compose.yml file is correct (mine is while default is
ifconfig | grep "docker0" -C 2 | grep "inet addr"
build image:
docker build -t vasylpurchel/zookeeper .
run 3 nodes from docker-compose:
docker-compose up
check that it works just run:
for i in {2181..2183}; do echo mntr | nc $i | grep zk_followers ; done
is used to tell docker containers to use host network, so this instances will be able to comunicate between themselves, need to be changed to overlay network so we can have multi-host network that will be using it