This is the code for the publication:
V. Liakoni *, M. Lehmann *, A. Modirshanechi, J. Brea, A. Lutti, W. Gerstner ** , K. Preuschoff ** Brain signals of a Surprise-Actor-Critic model: Evidence for multiple learning modules in human decision making, NeuroImage 246, 1053-8119 (2022)
* V.L. and M.L. made equal contribution to this article.
** W.G. and K.P. made equal contribution to this article.
Contact: [email protected], [email protected]
- Mac or Linux
- Julia (1.2)
- MATLAB R2015a
Navigate into the src folder.
Open a julia terminal, press "]" to enter the package management mode and type
(v1.2) pkg> activate ..
(SinergiafMRI_datafit) pkg> instantiate
All (julia) packages and dependencies will be installed automatically within this environment.
Navigate into the MATLAB folder and add all subfolders to your MATLAB path.
julia> using SinergiafMRI_datafit
To run the model fitting and model comparison procedures of the paper, type
julia> SinergiafMRI_datafit.runner_crossval_multipletimes_fit()
Note that these procedures would take long, so the settings are different from the ones used in the paper.
Uncomment the marked lines in the fmri_run_multipletimes.jl file to perform the analysis using the paper's settings.
A good place to start playing with the data is the simpleFittingTest.jl file.
For more information, please see the src/readme.txt.
To run the experiment run the script start_chuv_7S_G1_LinkFlip.m (for graph 1 of paper - left column of Fig. A.1) and the script start_chuv_7S_G3_LinkFlip.m (for graph 2 of paper - right column of Fig. A.1).
For more information, please see the MATLAB/readme.txt.
- MATLAB/experiment: the paper's experiment, participants' data recording and some data preprocessing.
- MATLAB/recovery: the paper's experiment (same as above, but without visualizations) with simulated Surprise Actor-critic agents.
- src/mcmc_rl_fit/src: RL algorithms, model fitting and model comparison (via crossvalidation).
- src/mcmc_rl_fit/fmri: high level runners, data analysis, plotting. Please refer to src/readme.txt and to MATLAB/readme.txt for more information.
- /MATLAB/experiment/ParticipantsData: the participants's (raw) data.
- /src/mcmc_rl_fit/projects/fmri/data: all participants' data concatenated. The file SARSPEICZVG_all_fMRI.csv is used for all analyses within the julia code.
- /src/mcmc_rl_fit/projects/fmri/data_sim: all simulated agents' data concatenated.
- data: final results used for the paper's figures.
- figs: latex source code to reproduce the paper's figures.