cd into generator-globant-angular-seed to see the generator and its documentation.
Main file with all the generator logic
Directory with the templates used to create:
The app directory will we copied to the root of the new project. It the basic structure of the app, where the feature will be created. Among other things, it contains:
- index.html
- styles/ directory with some standard files.
- tests/ directory with unit and e2e tests
- scripts/ directory where the app lives. It provides the main file where the app is created and 3 subdirectories:
-- directives
-- services
-- services
The config directory will we copied to the root of the new project. It contains the configuration needed for the different environments.
The content of the files directory will be copied to the root of the new project. It contains all the fails needed in at the root of the project. Among others:
- packaje.json
- bower.json
The grunt directory will be copied to the root of the new project. It contains all the grunt tasks and configurations needed.
The tools directory will we copied to the root of the new project. Currently, it only contains mockey.
Location of feature subtask generator
Main file with all the subgenerator logic
Directory with the templates used to create:
- Controllers
- Filters
- Services
- Views
- Feature main file
Helpers methods to use in the generator.
var glbUtils = require('../utils/common');