- Java 8
- Jetty web-server 9.4.19
- Jersey RESTful Web Services 2.29
- H2 database 1.4.199 (embedded mode)
- JUnit 5.5.0-M1
- Mockito 2.15.0
RESTfull demo server simulates bank client and it's account and provides API for basic operations:
- Add new client
- View client's info
- Open account for client
- View account's info
- Debit account
- Withdraw from account
- Transfer certain amount of money from one account to other client account
All operations are done in parallel allowing multiple requests to the server at the same time.
- no authentication
- for the sake of simplicity one client can have only one account
- all supported currecies for account: EUR, USD, RUB
- all client/server communications are done using JSON object format
- data stored in in-memory database and lost after server restart
- id - unique client id
- name - client name
- href - relative API path to client's info
- id - unique id of the account
- clientId - link to client id (owner of the account)
- currency - currency of the account
- amount - balance of the account
- href - relative API path to account's info
- amountDiff - amount of money to debit (positive integer number) or withdraw (negative integer number) from account.
- srcAccountId - source account id to transfer money from
- dstAccountId - destination account id to transfer money to
- amount - amount to transfer
- code - unique code of the error
- msg - message of the error
Code | Message |
1 | Client not found |
2 | Account not found |
3 | Internal SQL error |
4 | Client cannot be created |
5 | Client already exists |
6 | Client name must be provided |
7 | Currency must be provided to create an account |
8 | Client already has an account |
9 | Account cannot be created |
10 | Provided currency for account not supported |
11 | Client is not the owner of this account |
12 | Amount must be provided to update an account |
13 | Account cannot be updated |
14 | Insufficient amount to withdraw from account |
15 | Source account must be provided |
16 | Destination account must be provided |
17 | Amount to transfer must be provided |
18 | Source account not found |
19 | Destination account not found |
20 | Transfer must be done between different accounts |
21 | Currencies in accounts do not match |
22 | Amount to transfer must be a positive number |
23 | Error occurred while updating destination account |
24 | Error occurred while updating source account |
25 | Unexpected server error |
Not required
mvn verify -Pfailsafe
mvn package
java -jar target/tinymoneytransfer-1.0.jar
Server starts on localhost at port 8080
. Context root is /api
/clients - client and it's account opeartions
/transfers - transfer between 2 accounts
- POST - create new client using Client transport data
- GET - retrieve client info
- POST - create new client account
- GET - retrieve client account info
- POST - debit/withdraw from account using Debit/Withdraw transport data
- POST - transfer money between accounts using Transfer transport data
curl -d '{"name": "Bob"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/clients
curl -q -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/clients/1
curl -d '{"currency":"EUR"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/clients/1/account
curl -d '{"amountDiff":"100"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8080/api/clients/1/account/1
curl -d '{"srcAccountId":"1", "dstAccountId":"2", "amount":"50"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/transfers
Respond: no content