A curated list of Mina resources, software and tools for Mina Protocol. This list is open-source and you can contribute to improve it by creating a PR or submitting an issue on the Github repository by following the guidelines.
List of content:
- Official Links
- Wallets
- Explorers
- Tools
- Staking pools
- Monitoring dashboards
- Node scripts
- Ledger Projects
- Guides, news and articles
- Payout scripts
- Others
- International communities
- MinaProtocol Official Mina website
- Mina Discord server Official Mina Discord server
- Mina Documentation Official Mina documentation
- Mina Github Official Mina Github
- Mina Forum Official Mina forum
- Mina Twitter Official Mina Twitter
- Mina Telegram Official Mina Telegram Channel
- ~Clorio A Mina Protocol Wallet for Desktop and Browser
- StakingPower A Mina Protocol mobile wallet
- Auro A Mina Protocol Browser Extension/Mobile wallet
- MinaExplorer The most used Mina explorer
- Hubble Explorer A Mina Explorer focused on staking
- Mina Gas Station Transaction fees and Snark price estimator
- Mina Tools A website with tools for Mina Protocol
- MinaExplorer API Open GraphQL API from MinaExplorer
- Validators List Overview of validators for mainnet
- MinaGraph API An alternative public GraphQL API node for Mina, exposed from the original GraphQL API of the Mina daemon
- Block Producer Rewards Calculator Calculator for estimating the returns as a validator
- Mina Converter A simple utility to convert Mina <-> NanoMina
- Delegator Rewards Calculator Calculator for estimating the returns as a delegator
- (Better) Mina Uptime Leaderboard Mina block producers uptime leaderboard
- Mina Time Machine Mina epochs explorer
- Mina Epoch Calculator Calculate the best time for delegating Mina Tokens with the lowest epoch delay
- WeStake:Clubโก๏ธ A staking pool with 2% fee
- MinaExplorer pool A staking pool with 5% fee
- Staketab pool A staking pool with 7% fee
- ZKValidator pool A staking pool with 10% fee
- P2P Validator A staking pool with 8% fee
- TheMinaPool A staking pool with 5% fee
- 0base.vc pool A staking pool with 5% fee
- Piconbello pool A staking pool with 0% fee
- StakeMina pool A staking pool with 5% fee
- TowerStake pool A staking pool with 5% fee
- Bit Cat๐ฑ A staking pool with 5% fee
- delegate-mina-protocol.com A staking pool with 5% fee
- StakeWithJenni A staking pool with 3% fee
- Figment A staking pool with 10% fee
- StakeYourMina A staking pool with 1% fee
- whisperit's pool A staking pool with 5% fee
- Everstake A staking pool with 5% fee
- Performance Dashboard Performance Dashboard
- Mina Node Dashboard How to set up a Mina Node Dashboard using Prometheus and Grafana
- Mina Node Monitor An application for visual monitoring of a node with alerts
- Snark Stopper Tool for stopping the snark
- Mina Node Install Opinionated mina node install script
- Mina Node Install with Docker-compose All-In-One Mina install docker-compose bundle
- mina-status-monitor A tool for monitoring the Mina Node. Restarts automatically the node when stuck in old blocks.
- ledger-mina-app Ledger's Mina APP
- mina-ledger-js LedgerJS bindings for ledger-mina-app
- Mina Magazine A news website about the Mina ecosystem
- Syncing a node A guide about the phases of syncing a Mina node from garethtdavies
- Staking Guide A detailed guide on how to stake from antropocosmist
- Staking Guide for Clorio Wallet A simple guide on how to stake with Clorio Wallet
- Sending Mina transactions with Clorio Wallet A simple guide on how to send transactions with Clorio Wallet
- Ledger Guide for Installing & Staking A step by step guide on how to how to install and stake with Ledger wallet.
- Mina Protocol Overview The Features Of A New Succinct Blockchain Platform.
- Staking Guide for Auro Wallet A simple guide on how to stake with Auro Wallet
- Staking Guide for Mobile Wallet StakingPower A simple guide on how to stake with Mobile Wallet StakingPower
- mina-pool-payout jrwashburn's payout script
- MinaExplorer Payout Script MinaExplorer's payout script
- MinaMask๐ A tool for creating a Mina mask avatar
- Italy ๐ฎ๐น Italian telegram community
- Russia ๐ท๐บ Russian telegram community
- Korea ๐ฐ๐ท Korean telegram community
- Indonesia ๐ฎ๐ฉ Indonesian telegram community
- Spain ๐ช๐ธ Spanish telegram community
- Germany ๐ฉ๐ช German/DACH telegram community
- Turkey ๐น๐ท Turkish telegram community
- France ๐ซ๐ท French telegram community
- Ukraine ๐บ๐ฆ Ukrainian telegram community
- India ๐ฎ๐ณ Indian telegram community
- Vietnam ๐ป๐ณ Vietnamise telegram community
- Netherlands ๐ณ๐ฑ Dutch telegram community
- Mina Unofficial Community International Mina (unofficial) Community
- Mina Unofficial Price talk Unofficial Mina price talk chat